Norwich City beat Ipswich Town 2-1
Norwich City beat Ipswich Town 2-1

Diana was collecting Daniel from Luton Airport after his holiday in Tenerife as I tackled paperwork at home whilst Wiggly at Brighton Conference.

I heard that her sister Joanne was not happy with our relationship but tolerated it. Norwich City played Ipswich Town and won 2-1 and two double decker buses had fatal crashes

Diana had to go off early to collect Daniel from Luton Airport after his holiday trip to Tenerife and it was down to me to make sure that the girls got out to school all right.

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In the event, I was so shattered over missed sleep recently that I slept through until waking up with as start at 8.30am; after the girls had already got themselves off to school! Daniel got back with Diana and was as brown as a berry (or more particularly as pink as a lobster as his complexion is like Diana's) and seemed to have had a good time.

However, he was mortified by having had his sunroof shattered by an apple falling off of a lorry on the way back. He was not amused when I asked him of it was a Cox's or Orange Pippin! I was expecting a telephone call from Wiggly at 10.00am but missed the first one when a little late back from the dog and the next two when Diana was around so I was relieved to hear from her later in the afternoon.

Her car journey with Joanne started frostily but then they got on better. She did not get the endorsement from her sister that she wanted but got the advice that "if it made her happy then it was all right" which was fine. Heard also from Nigel today who told me the other side of his frosty reception from Joanne who he found "cold". He wanted another night out with Rachel!

By the end of the day, I had got the urgent cheques off and others paid in, updated my journal and archived just about all of July. I had two walks with Sam, the first where he was getting steadier to shot and the second in the rain where nothing was possible.

In between times, I let him sit in my office out of the rain and cold as the weather had taken a much chillier turn. Then the evening watching Norwich play away to Ipswich on the TV. City won the match 2-1 and deserved to as well in view of their performance and the chances they had; but the winning goal was a hotly disputed penalty.

News today is of two accidents with Double-Decker buses; one involving deaths and injuries to the band of the Royal Marines as it over-turned and the other which killed two guides and two guide helpers as the top of their bus was sliced off after the young and inexperienced driver drove under a low bridge!