The evening with Nigel discussing our marital and relationship issues
The evening with Nigel discussing our marital and relationship issues

Back at home with Diana and to catch up with my work and then shopping for a new detachable bed for our new circumstance.

Then, the evening with Nigel discussing our marital and relationship issues where I see Wiggly as being 15 years to young but Nigel sees as a long-term love match and about the most compatible couple that he has ever seen!

I was awoken by Diana, obviously in a much better mood, who brought me in a cup of tea in bed and gathered the pillows and wrapped my dressing gown around me as I sat up.

**"Read More" BELOW for the complete story**

It was unsaid, but she had obviously decided to at least tolerate me if not actually forgive me. A much more relaxed breakfast with the family for which I was grateful as it was back to school for the girls. I took Sam out early and walked the girls to the bus stop; carrying Debbie's bags as she controlled Sam on a lead.

A chat with Belinda Hudson at the bus stop about Sam who she greatly admires. Diana then told me that we were going to St Neots together and there we looked at getting a new double bed that could be used as two singles or zipped together to form one, 7ft by 7ft.

The idea is that the additional width would give us more space and privacy and, if Di was particularly upset with me over future behaviour, then they could be made up and used separately. This done, we had coffee and scone in Brackenbury's and then did some grocery shopping and attended to a few things before going back for lunch at home.

The afternoon updating these last few days journal and then out with Sam before a late tea. Debbie had stayed behind at school for Aerobics training and Della to do some other activity and Daniel had driven over to collect them as his part of a new deal with Diana.

This done, I drove over by arrangement to spend the late evening with Nigel to exchange our mutual news. I first let him talk and heard of his deal today with the court whereby charges were dropped against him on the insurance fraud case if he repaid £6,700 to the insurance company.

He was upset at having to do this as he felt it was unfair but I had advised him earlier in the day to do it regardless and at least it was one huge thing off of his mind. He has settled some £250,000 on Lynn with the £110K for Field Close in Grafham being supplemented with giving her complete ownership of their £70K Spanish property and some £70K in cash.

In addition to this, she gets a salary of £14K from the business and a company car, insurance, petrol etc. which seems to be not too bad. He gets Hail Weston House (worth £500K gross or £250K net of the £250K mortgage), the businesses and that is just about it but is just anxious to get her out of it.

Paradoxically, she has been expressing doubts as to wanting to go but, with a history of emotional conflict and even physical violence, Nigel is determined that she shall. He has been contacting a range of electronic dating agencies and has three women on the go at the moment in a frenetic effort to find a new life partner whilst he is young enough to enjoy it.

His latest business problem is that MiPet has had its registration fee income drastically curtailed after an argument with the distributor and so Nigel's spending may have to be curtailed. After all this, he was still fascinated to hear my story but expects more of my relationship with Wiggly than I do.

As far as I am concerned, I am wanting to retain my family life and see Wiggly as adding another dimension to my pleasure, but Nigel sees as a long-term love match and about the most compatible couple that he has ever seen. I agree that I get on as well with her as anyone does any woman but think that Wiggly is at least 15 years too young and will eventually need an unencumbered lifetime partner for her own.

Though she is presently still recoiling from her two experiences of living with the two Chris's and values her independence, I think that this will change in five to eight years time, if not before, as she has to tackle the inevitable woman's question of motherhood and wifehood.

If it is after Della has grown up and left for University, it might be possibly be me but by then I would be 55 and I do not think she would wait that long, even if I was still thus capable. We shared the snooker games one all and the evening ended late for Nigel was also making telephone calls to his latest hot date.