Satirist and "Private Eye" proprietor Peter Cook had died aged 57 with liver disease.
Satirist and "Private Eye" proprietor Peter Cook had died aged 57 with liver disease.

After a good night’s sleep a long walk for Sam with some more retrieving training and then after a day of deskwork at The Hayling View, off with Di and Della to the Peterborough multi-screen cinema to see "The Pagemaster" film.

Satirist and "Private Eye" proprietor Peter Cook had died aged 57 with liver disease. He was one of society's rebels and a long-time partner of Dudley Moore. 

A good night's sleep in my own bed at last which did much to make up for that I had been missing these last few days.

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Diana brought me a cup of tea but, by that time, it was already quite late, and my tiredness made it later still by the time I had to come down to breakfast in a dressing gown.

The girls joined us and then Daniel came down in his suit; having got fed up with trying to wear jackets that were either dirty or torn. His luck was out when he went and tried to start the car which then failed with worn plugs or wet electrics from yesterday's car wash.

Diana gave him a lift to work as Pete arrived to speak to me about converting and insulating the Hayling View lofts to make better storage. A long walk for Sam and, in it, a resumption of retrieve training as I get him to do a split dummy and water retrieval which also left him less smelly than of late.

I let him in to lay on a blanket in my office on the strength of this. The rest of this morning and some of the afternoon getting my journal up to date so that I could start on archiving December with the whole of 1994 still to do.

I had Sam in for company for much of the time and he got two runs this afternoon as first Della took him around the village on an extending lead and then I walked him across the river to look at the rape field.

I put back up the tin scarecrow that had been knocked down in the recent wind and saw that there was still plenty of evidence of pigeons needing my attention. Back for tea and then I took Di and Della up to Peterborough multi-screen cinema to see "The Pagemaster" which I enjoyed despite being somewhat put off by the trailers past.

Home for the latter part of the evening watching another televised cup football match and updating the rest of the day's journal as well.

Fishermen in Cornwall, incensed at European fisheries policies, now plan a programme of "direct action" including port blockades in defence of their rights in the "Irish Box".

The Labour Party are not spelling out their post-election plans for the rail system and post office if the Tories succeed in de-nationalising them as they re-write "Clause 4".

Home Secretary Michael Howard is reeling over the problems in the Prison Service and the latest call from Judge Thulin for a full enquiry.

The Russian Federation's troops have just about overcome the resistance of the rebel forces of the breakaway state of Chechnya after a long and bitter struggle that has been the main news story for some weeks.

Satirist and "Private Eye" proprietor Peter Cook had died aged 57 with liver disease. He was one of society's rebels and a long-time partner of Dudley Moore.