The St Ives LibDem crisis easing as I turn to St Neots election & FOCUS plans which were also in some disarray followed by the biggest upset yet with Wiggly
The journey back home from Norfolk, getting there in time to catch up with Di and get out with the dog for another retrieving training session.
**"Read More" BELOW for the complete story**
He is getting much steadier and calmer with the dummies as a result, and I will soon be trying him with some dead game.
The early morning news from Percy and Charles Looker was much improved as both Angela and John Bush had written more conciliatory letters to Percy and do not appear to be resigning any more.
It seems that my call to Mark Rainer had effectively used him as a conciliator and made them re-think their position. More work on my finances this morning and on items that needed to be prepared before this evening's meeting of the St Neots LibDems.
I had the task of trying to work out the new advertising rates for FOCUS, in view of the increased circulation and costs of printing. A few telephone calls, also, about our choice for candidates to stand.
Lunch at home and some time on my CIX computer conferencing system and then to my journal which needed transferring from my Psion and updating for these last few days.
The start of my year-end tax planning before tidying my desk up and getting off for the evening meeting. It was a very bad meeting from just about every point of view.
First the venue at The Priory was full of men attending the "Sportsman's Evening" of the Round Table and the car parks were full and overflowing. We were crammed upstairs in The Moot Hall and were worried in case our party members could not find us there.
Next many members had not turned up, other were arriving late and others leaving early so that it was frustrating to say the least. Then the endeavour to find election candidates did not go very well such that the first part of the meeting took too long as we reviewed the options.
I fell foul of Chris and Wendy Kirkham for questioning on behalf of Sally, Derek and I the feasibility of both Chris and her husband John (with their young children) being on the District Council together and then I got into a mess with presenting FOCUS advertising plans which had been insufficiently researched for costs etc.
The meeting ran late with members leaving in dribs and drabs such that I did not feel like having a drink after but quickly drove back to see Wiggly and had an even worse experience.
She was upset at the poor meeting and her backlog of priorities for the Party with no time to do anything. Her lateness was due to her gym physical assessment running late and then Michael had left his car keys in her car and she had to go back to him and then the car park was full.
All this and then she had a go at me for my meeting contribution when her lateness as Secretary had been most disruptive. She ended up in tears and then was inconsolable but would not let me go.
I had to leave before midnight and come home to a very unsettled night with mind full of the problems.