Most of the day St Neots planning my LibDem Ad campaign and talking to Stuart Littlewood about his relationship with colleagues before Sally came round and I had my biggest row yet with Wiggly over lunch.
It was a very poor night as I woke up in the early hours and could not sleep.
**"Read More" BELOW for the complete story**
Diana went on her normal way to Bedford for Tesco shopping and lunch and I first took Sam for a walk and then took a series of telephone calls. Percy, Sally, Angela Bush, Stuart Littlewood and Nina Simpson were amongst the LibDems beating a path to my door.
I then spent the rest of the morning talking to local members about the meeting last night and how to overcome the problem of advertising policy and then lots of time at my desk responding to Stuart Littlewood's latest long letter in which he hits out at everyone again.
I had emailed Wiggly and she had tried to call me but I got through to her first and she wanted me to go over and see her for lunch which I did. I was angry with her for her behaviour last night and her greeting of smiles soon dissolved into tears again as I had a go at her today for having a go at me last night!
I told her what I thought of her behaviour towards me and of her being late by being at the gym with Michael before the meeting and she was very upset. We argued for ages and then made it up and I felt sorry for having a go at her.
In the end, We parted friends and she emailed me later with a nice message. Sally came round this afternoon, having produced a list of forthcoming meeting dates for the next year and then used my photocopier to reproduce them for all of our colleagues.
I spoke to the two people delegated to be in a FOCUS advertising sub-committee with me and we all came up with some better ideas for the forthcoming year. I worked on later and wrote these up for sounding out our other colleagues at the jumble sale tomorrow.
I also received my official Ameol registration package today and installed the software upgrade version and also the CIX-Billing module to tell me how much it was charging me for the service. To bed at a more reasonable time tonight, but still tired and careworn.