A good night's rest, a working day and home, checking email and writing this journal.
Then to Wroxham Builders to finish off the design for the Heronshaw replacement, agreeing to £3,500 for the alterations to Harnser.
With Jim to to Carrow Road for the Premier League 3-0 win against local rivals Ipswich Town. To Eynesbury for a pleasurable session with Wiggly
A good night's rest without a demanding naked and attractive young woman as a distraction at my side and so awake and up at 6.30am for a pot of tea, two slices of French Toast and a long session on my Organiser.
**"Read More" BELOW for the complete story**
I connected with CIX to check my Email, send a message for Wiggly at her office and then load down a huge batch of conference messages and make replies to certain of them. Then my journal for these last few days before getting shaved showered and out with Sam.
This done, I telephoned North Norfolk District Council and found them unhelpful with the planning advice that I wanted which was not unexpected.
A better time with Mr Hurrill of Wroxham Builders and a good meeting, finishing off the design for the Heronshaw replacement, agreeing his quotation of £3,500 for the alterations to Harnser and leaving him to make application to NNDC for planning variations and building control approval.
Into Norwich for some supplied of dog food, electrical supplies and some other things and then back to eat tea and exercise Sam. Some difficulty packing and loading up in time, but then I did drive out to Sutton to collect Jim and got us both back to Carrow Road in time for the evening Premier League match against local rivals Ipswich Town.
It was 0-0 for a long time until Wark, the Ipswich captain was sent off and then Norwich dominated the second half and scored three goals. This just about sealed the Suffolk side's fate or relegation and pulled Norwich clear of the "drop zone".
The long drive home back to Eynesbury where I was meeting Wiggly by arrangement for the night. She had called me on my mobile telephone and was keen to welcome me.
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