A working day, after the night with wiggly but back for lunch of a steak each at The Falcon after I caught up with work at home.
An evening hosting and chairing a LibDems campaign strategy meeting and it seems that we will have a full slate of District and St Neots Town candidates and may even have paper candidates for Huntingdon and Ramsey
I slept soundly and it was Wiggly that made the effort and got up in order to go to work.
**"Read More" BELOW for the complete story**
It was nice having a tray of tea by my bed and then I donned my dressing gown and joined her for breakfast.
After our fond farewells, I stayed a while, did the washing up and then shaved and washed and got ready to go. I used my Psion and her computer to check her copy of Psion data backed up upon it.
I am jealous of her friend Michael and like to know what she is doing, particularly as she casually mentioned that she might be going on holiday with him!
It seems that they were going to go as a group but everybody else dropped out, leaving just them but I expressed my concern and I do not think she will do that now.
There was nothing on her diary in any way untoward, of course, and I should learn to trust her. Then packed up and out with Sam for a good walk before the journey home.
Di was in Cambridge for the morning, seeing her Mum and Dad on the eve of our holiday departure and Mother's Day and enjoyed the trip. I worked on my mail and outstanding action items and then drove off to join Wiggly for our "farewell lunch".
We enjoyed a steak each at The Falcon and I think I annoyed her a little by talking about Election FOCUS plans. It seems that the other LibDems had met over the weekend in my absence and were making decisions that were inconsistent with my campaign strategy and so I had to do something about it.
The drive back, somewhat sad at leaving Wiggly, and then time running around St Neots, discussing election policy with Sally in person and then on the telephone later with John Roscoe.
I got Debbie to walk Sam as I had some urgent preparation to do before hosting and chairing an election strategy meeting at my house in the evening.
I updated the election budgets and worked out that we were asking the constituency for up to £1,000 for their half of the local election expenses!
The meeting went well and it seems that we will have a full slate of District and St Neots Town candidates and may even have paper candidates for Huntingdon and Ramsey.
The meeting ended early and i carried on working for a while and then retired to bed with Diana, intending to get up early.