A hectic day of year-end financial work with final tax and election planning and then taking Sam to the Rigby's kennels in Lincoln before a brief opportunity to see Wiggly and say farewell for a while.
Then on home where Diana had prepared an early and combined 23rd Birthday Tea for Daniel and Mother's Day celebration.
Daniel was dating Isabella his new girl friend
I had an almost impossible day ahead of me as I had to walk Sam and deliver him to Lincoln at the same time as writing up my election and advertising plans, timescales and budgets.
This as well as a host of year-end financial work, many telephone calls and the attentions due to an attentive and devoted mistress; not to mention a wife and family in the final stages of packing for a two-week American holiday!
I delayed my departure with Sam as the Rigby's were away until the afternoon and had mistakenly assumed that I was taking the dog in the following day! I had success in writing up my political projects and ended up with a barrow-load of paperwork for delivery later.
Diana came back from her shopping having collected my trousers from the cleaners and shoes from the menders. bless her, and then made me some soup and rolls for lunch as she could see I was struggling.
Then I set off for Lincoln in the afternoon, having Emailed a message to Wiggly in reply to hers that was disappointed at not having heard from me amongst all this!
She called me twice on the car telephone and I dropped into see her before tea and after having successfully delivered all of my paperwork; some directly and others via the good offices of Sally.
This left me the best part of 40mins to drink a pot of tea with Wiggly and cuddle her whilst she sat on my lap in what was our real farewell embrace. I had popped back with a huge bouquet of flowers yesterday and she had appreciated these and separated them into vases. She was less pleased by my election plans and priorities that will have her running round busily like the others whilst I am away.
Then on home where Diana had prepared an early and combined 23rd Birthday Tea for Daniel and Mother's Day celebration for herself; all this as we were due to be apart for these both.
Daniel rushed off afterwards for his next date with Isabella, his new girl friend. She is in the final year at Milton Keynes studying I.T. and they evidently get on like a house on fire.
The evening for me, emptying the car of dog things and other tools for tomorrow, then finishing off my desk of paperwork and year-end financial transactions.
Then my journal for these last few days before backing up my computers and storing them away securely.
The rest of my stuff together before preparing my Psion and modem for an overnight message for Wiggly and then all else ready for my Bournevita and banana after midnight, satisfied at last that I was ready to go to America.