More than 40 years, told day by day

The drive u the A1 for a shooting Day with Nigel, curtailed when , a gale blew and the rain bucketed down with sleet and hail.
Then to attend Wiggly's pantomime and to help Nigel host a great after show party.
Nigel leant me his 10-bore Goose gun for my trip to Scotland and some cartridges to go with it
Woken early by my organiser call at 6.30am and tried to be friendly and cuddle Diana but I was rejected as usual and so just got up, dressed and ready.
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Awakening to news of a South African crisis, NHS problems, and the growing Japanese earthquake death count.
Struggling with flood water and then helping Nigel with his house and preparing for the party and my Brocket Park Field Trial before an early evening film with family.
Dr Lee Potter, who rebuilt relationships between the government and the NHS between 1990 and 1993, has now spoken out against government dogma in health matters and called for a Labour Government.
We woke to hear of a crisis in South Africa where Nelson Mandela and F.W de Clerk had to patch up a row where de Clerk felt he was insulted in Cabinet over a possible amnesty for police guilty of offences under the previous apartheid regime.
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Generally an office day as the weather started frosty with cars covered in ice; then a storm came through with severe gale force winds and driving rain.
Della was back from her pantomime outing feeling better and Debbie was still going in after lunch for her next Mock GCSE.
The Tory government is struggling along
The government survived the two parliamentary votes on fishing rights late yesterday with a majority of only nine despite the support of the Ulster Unionists.
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Waking to news of the extensive Japanese earthquake toll, as the UK government struggle.
I visit Montague Street and on to Nigel’s to hear of his latest litany of disasters and the evening rabbit shooting with Derek
The weather continues mild and, with the severe gales moving on, everything felt more comfortable.
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Della was still ill and I had a difficult call from Alf, a nice lunch with Wiggly and a cancelled evening's snooker with a very troubled Nigel.
On a very wet and windy day here, a powerful 7.2 earthquake has killed and injured thousands in Japan.
My notes of the news in bed again and found out today that a powerful earthquake measuring 7.2 on the Richter Scale has killed 600, injured a thousand and led to 500 more missing in Central Japan, with shocks reaching the second largest city of Osaka.
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A difficult but eventually productive day tussling with how to progress my Redgrave problem and then an unplanned evening outing and good reconciliation with Wiggly.
This as Russia takes Grozny, Norwich Union volunteers clear up beaches and Debbie gets on well with her mock GCSE’s
Making notes of the news in be again when I found out today that Tony Blair was launching an internal publicity drive to win support for his constitutional changes to Labour "clause 4".
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