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Full family day in the heat sightseeing in London and seeing the old buses at the Transport Museum as concern rises about a dock strike over unloading coal at Ravenscraig
A sound night’s sleep in the Marble Arch Holiday Inn, but we had to have the air conditioning full on to counter the sultry heat. Up to our home made drinks, washed and down to an excellent breakfast in the hotel coffee shop. A serve-it-yourself format which was ideal for Diana and the children who could select exactly what they wanted and keep going back. By foot then off to Hyde Park, Speaker’s Corner, to see the speakers who harangue the crowd and then we get some morning drinks at the kiosk and settle down in the shade of the trees to drink and feed the baby.

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Off to London for a long family weekend on another hot and sticky 80degF day after John briefs me on the industry news and then a stroll in Regents Park on arrival to cool down as The Fox, the rapist, strikes again
Up early and a hair wash and shower before reading The Financial Times. John Lamb had dropped round last night and delivered a large number of computer magazines and updated me on Kode. He is gradually settling the modus operandi with Peter Smith and putting many of the unsettling ideas to bed. This morning I wrote to many of the computer magazine publishers to ask for regular free copies, but I have still to contact Computer Talk and Computing. A fair time this morning getting ready and then off to St Neots with a car full of kids and luggage for a week away. At last I remembered to drop off three suits for dry cleaning and we were soon on our way to London. Another hot day in the 80s, but we had our Jaguar’s air conditioning to keep the drive cool and calm.

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This was a hot and sunny office day of messaging industry contacts with my Prestel set and researching investments before taking a call from the Guardian and shopping for some necessities
Up and to my office and much time ‘playing’ with Prestel and sending messages to all and sundry. Several telexes sent to industry contacts and also to start the process of getting the trade journals sent to me at my new address. Time also scanning the financial databases of stockbrokers de Zoete and Bevan and Hoare Govett. A journey to town to check the newly received certificates for the Gilt Edged Securities, get some cash from the bank, and buy a briefcase from the Claytons shop. Another hot and sunny day and sultry evening. A productive call late this evening with Steve Vines, Industrial Editor of The Observer.

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Throwing my weight at The Connaught Rooms launch on behalf of the BMMG to thwart the BT/IBM venture before meeting Mr Nicholas de Zoete and sorting out my investment plans as we hear NCB propaganda about the further closure of 16 more coal faces ‘due to lack of maintenance’.
Up early this morning, breakfast of toast etc., and washed and dressed in time to catch the 8.02am train from St Neots to London. I took the new Escort Estate car so that I would not have to leave the Jaguar outside the station all day. A first class return seat and space to study all the documents I had received on the BT/IBM venture and international OSI Standards moves. By 9.00am at Kings Cross and a short taxi ride to the Connaught Rooms in Great Queen Street. Magnificent rooms with plenty of space and high ceilings.