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Dividing my time between BMMG business and supervising the gardener as a UK railway strike is now planned and the world is full of terrorist outrages
A good lay in until 7.30am and Diana prepares our drinks before feeding the baby. Breakfast, a wash and shave, then to get dressed and arrive at my new office at 9.30am. a whole host of phone calls on private and BMMG business, too numerous to mention and, after lunch, to completely update my electronic diary for all of Daniel’s school holidays. The gardener today completed an excellent week’s work and our gardens are in better shape than for a long time with flower beds hoed, grass cut and edged, shrubs trimmed and all of the rubbish removed. The lawns are still looking very white and sparse and need a lot more rain.

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Visit to Putney to make common cause with ICL against IBM to encourage international OSI standards and on to my interview with ‘My Business Magazine’ as the Welsh miners now barricade themselves in their headquarters in an attempt to resist the courts seizure of their assets and the rain eventually comes to end the heatwave
A working day. Up fairly early, to breakfast and in my brown suit off by car to London and Putney to meet Roger Holmes of ICL. We discussed the present activities of IBM and its cooperative agreement on networks with British Telecom. I am given the press statements of BT and ICL and also made privy to an internal briefing document prepared by ICL on the dangers of BT support for SNA rather than the internationally supported OSI standards. We discuss the alternatives of close cooperation or formal consultancy and I get ICL’s support for the realignment of UK computer trade groupings. Then off by car through Kensington where I parked and looked around Harrods at stationery and briefcases. I had lunch of a couple of pastries before driving on to Kings Cross Station to rendezvous with ‘Your Business Magazine’ at the offices of Mike East’s MEPR.

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Commissioning my Executel after a wakeful night and liaising with BMMG, EXPORT IT and NEDO to accept representative responsibilities as the Nottinghamshire Miners barricade their offices in the Miners’ Strike
Up early after a restless night and wakeful until Diana feeds the baby and makes the drinks. Breakfast with the family and then off to Gordon Road to continue my loading of the Executel. By lunchtime most of the addresses loaded and starting to load the appointments. Back home for lunch to find Diana with her second party of social visitors for the morning, having not been able to complete Daniella’s feed nor get out to shop for food. Out, therefore, to The Happy Eater for a family lunch at my providing before home to continue dropping off the children in St Neots to do their shopping.