- Details
Setting up Export IT meeting, managing money and booking holidays on another hot and sunny day as NCB announces two more pit closures
Late in bed as Diana lays in and, after breakfast, I wash my hair and freshen up after yesterday’s heat. To the office with Daniel and I start him on mathematics lessons of revision in multiplication and division – he has a long way to go! Calls to the Bank to reinvest £975,000 back on a 1 week Treasury Deposit at a decreasing interest rate. Time to try my Hoare Govett tele-ordering service which accepts a test frame satisfactorily. Also to write up these last two days of my journal. Telephone calls today from the new Director of Export IT to arrange a lunch meeting next Friday, from Selwyn Printers checking the number of colours for my new coat of arms letter head, from John Lamb newly returned from holiday and coping calmly with Peter Smith’s exertions and calls made to hotels in London and Bude to arrange hotel accommodation for next week.

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Long warm, sunny and humid day learning Physics with Daniel, WordStar for me and then some share purchases before Nigel arrives to talk BMMG business as a four-way City merger sets aside conventions and protections
To the office with Daniel and I start his summer lessons with the first two chapters from a new ‘O’ level physics book. A long day’s session learning my new Comart WordStar word processor and putting up details of my personal and family investments in tabular form. Then in late afternoon finishing a long search around the Prestel CitiService, Hoare Govett and de Zoete Bevan information before selecting for purchase 10,000 shares each of BP, Barclays Bank and Blue Circle. Trouble with the HG Prestel ordering system and so I phone them through to their assistant and hope the deals are done. In mid-evening to make hotel arrangements for this weekend’s stay in London and then Nigel Smith of Modus arrives and we spend several hours on BMMG business reviewing the whole range of activities.

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Office day receiving my new desk and chair sending BMMG telexes, rearranging everything and connecting up all of my equipment
A lay in, up, a wash, to breakfast, and then for a short trip to St Neots with Daniel. We pay in the returned balance cheques for the Jaguar allotments, buy £5,000 each for Diana and I of the new 28th issue of National Savings Certificates before returning home. I make a number of calls and send telexes on BMMG and private business and take delivery of my new office desk and chair. These represent a big improvement and I quickly rearrange my office and connect up all of the equipment

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Fine and sunny day on Great Yarmouth rides before home to tend the ducks etc as Violent clashes in Belfast lead to a man dying from a rubber bullet and Noraid leader, Galvin, escaping anyway
All awake at about 7.00am as Diana serves the morning drinks and feeds the baby. On the breakfast television Daniel and I see Sebastian Coe win the 1500 metres and also the finals of the heavyweight boxing classification. Downstairs for breakfast with Diana upset that we delayed until the end of the baby’s quiet period. However, we all have a fine meal; fried English breakfasts for Diana and I and toast for the children all washed down with fruit juice. Then Diana feeds Daniella and I take the two children along to the hotels inside swimming pool and read The Sunday Mirror as they enjoy themselves.