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Day in Cambridge having the Jaguar serviced where I buy up history and investment books and then work on my information systems upon my return
A good night’s sleep all round and we wake to find no Daniel and Debbie – both are being looked after at the moment! Diana brings me my morning tea and Financial Times and I notice the time advancing. It is tough to get up early with no strict office routine. I still have my cough and cold as a trial this summer; and today is chilly and cloudy to boot which sets me to shivering. Quickly to breakfast, wash and dress and, leaving notes for Joan, we set off to Cambridge and Marshalls to leave the Jaguar to be serviced for the day.

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Day mostly spent on BMMG business before ‘Your Business’ photo session and cash negotiations to buy two Escorts as Thatcher wins her GCHQ court hearing and Richard Burton’s death is remembered
A long lay in and awake only after 8.00am. This followed an unsettled night. Breakfast of fruit juice, toast and cereal brought up by Diana and after a quick wash, shave and dress, to the office. In post by 9.30am and down to my Executel Diary and phone calls. Most time spent talking to potential BMMG recruits Hitech, LDR and Almarc and I think I shall see them all in the fold. Time also to talk to GEC Computers and UK ITO Chairman, Alan Frazer, and arrange a meeting for Wednesday and also to Ford Motor Car Dealers in Bury St Edmunds and St Neots to establish the best price for two Ford Escort 1300L, 5 door estates for cash.

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Friends and family day visiting Mum and Dad and offering them a new car
After a late night, we all sleep well, waking about 7.30am. Morning drinks from Diana after softening her breasts feeding Daniella who had slept through for the first time. Then my Sunday fried breakfast which I ate with alacrity. A short time reading The Sunday Times before getting washed and dressed to receive the Tomblins for coffee. At 10.00am I let the ducks out and Daniel walks over to call the Tomblins in. we show them our photographs of Daniella and press cuttings of my company sale briefly before they had to depart in time to meet John Tomblin’s Aunt in Buckden.

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Preparing my services for my new investments and entertaining the Tomblins, who had come to stay for a neighbourhood party
A little lay in and chance to skim through the papers before Daniel made the drinks and all up for a cereal and toast breakfast. Off all together to St Neots and I parked the car for once at The Shrubbery and let the girls go off to shop in the rain whilst I completed application forms and covering letters for Prestel, Datalex and the Hoare & Gavett private account Prestel service ‘Citiservice.’ Then to collect my bank statement from Barclays and post my letters at the Post Office before walking up to the Newsagents to meet the family. The rain was pouring down and I stopped off at Barrets to buy a new brown tweed hat to keep my head dry. Before finding the family I bought a new Parker propelling pencil and pen refill and, later, a Financial Times.