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Visiting the Mechanical Music Museum in the heavy rain and then arriving at Freda and Alf’s menagerie where Christopher and Stacey also greet us
Awake in time for our morning drinks and glad they arrived without reordering. We all sleep well after our exertions of yesterday and get washed and dressed for our morning breakfast together whilst Daniella sleeps. Time to let the children swim in the hotel swimming pool and I get some beautiful photographs of them before we all set off in the car for the Mechanical Music Museum near Holsworthy, arriving in the heavy rain. The rain does not disturb our enjoyment and we run to the nearby farmhouse for a nice rest and ploughman’s lunch. Then to the museum itself which the children thoroughly enjoyed – more than they expected. There were examples of the smallest and largest instruments from the hand rotated ‘Fisher Price’ type, of early record players to the full roundabout organ the size of a wall, and loud to match. Back to the hotel for lunch and to change, then off to see Freda and Alf in Holsworthy.

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Enjoying the hotel and beach in Bude as I take our first video pictures with the new camera
Fairly early awake and I read my video recorder and camera instructions thoroughly whilst Diana feeds the baby. Daniel and Debbie awake just as the morning drinks were arriving at 7.15pm and we all appreciated them greatly. Down together to a good breakfast with fried English breakfast for Daniel and Frosties for Deborah. Then back up to start using the video in anger, creating sub titles and dates and then filming the hotel. Out to the shop for morning coffee, a look at the shops for presents and then, after a sandwich lunch at the hotel, we set off for the beach.

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Shopping for video equipment and then on from London to Bude, in Cornwall, to stay for a holiday and to visit my sister Freda and family
Up after another hot and noisy night and after our normal help yourself breakfast, we set off for the shops to get my cine-camera. We stop on the way to see all manner of fine leather briefcases at Selfridges and eventually I buy a large capacity model. I do not see the ideal briefcase for me; elegant but expandable with protected corners and plenty of inside pockets and facilities. Onwards to Dixons in New Bond Street and we start looking at the cine-cameras and accessories. We are soon aware that, for the money we can spend, the modern choice is a video camera and recorder and so we soon decide to buy a Canon set with spare video cassettes. A rush back by taxi on a sweltering 30degC temperature day, loaded down with the video boxes. Just time to check the system out whilst Diana breast fed Daniella and then, the children having had their last swim, we checked out and packed up the Jaguar.

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Shopping in Oxford Street, Selfridges and Hamleys before taking a Thames trip boat from Westminster to Kew and back before finding messages from Paddy Ashdown and Computer Weekly and returning calls as fears of a dock strike recede
A hot night and early awakening and, after an irritable time getting washed, dressed and ready, down to breakfast for a nice meal. A walk together along Oxford Street, spending our gift voucher in Selfridges and buying a new cordless telephone to allow me to take calls on the boat. Then on to Hamleys where I buy a full sized croquet set and order its delivery home in 2/3 weeks. By taxi to Westminster Pier and, gathering up some sandwiches and drinks from a nearby sandwich bar, off by boat, ‘The King,’ up river to Kew Pier. On the way we passed many famous sites and the helmsman gave us a splendid commentary.