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Bank Holiday Monday; Warm and humid day suffering after four weeks of a chest infection as an early salvage is planned for the French cargo ship that sunk carrying nuclear waste
Another long lay in, this time suffering from my chest infection and the weakness and debility it induces. I eventually get up in mid-afternoon after watching the best of the England batting team struggle against Sri Lanka. Time to update my journal and then sort out my paperwork and finances against tomorrow. I managed to reconcile my bank account, pay overdue bills and list my priorities for tomorrow. Top of the list was a visit to the Doctor now that I have had this chest infection for over 4 weeks. News today of the return of Thatcher from her holiday in Switzerland to an encouraging report on her industrial confrontation.

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Recovering from my cold, relaxing and reading the press as Comart is restructured under its new owners
A morning in bed, catching up on The Sunday Times and week’s papers, and also still a bit groggy. Up in time for lunch and after to clean out the ducks and return to the house to wait for the walk to the swings. Unfortunately they did not wait and so I stayed in and watched ‘The Battle of Britain’ on television. Tea and then a repeat version watched with Daniel before on time to bed. The papers today are dubious of the response to the call for a National Dock Strike and the first declared ballots bear this out. To bed still suffering from my infection and unwell.

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Recovering from the long drive and my persistent cold as Debbie goes off to a party and we try to get back to ‘normal’
A very sound sleep before I awake with a headache at 8.00am. I am very groggy today from a combination of a persistent cold, a very long drive yesterday and deep sleep after the previous night’s problems. A fair lay in bed reading the weeks papers while Diana dashes into town with the baby asleep to do a catch up shopping expedition. In the end little Debbie lays up the table for breakfast and calls Daniel and I down to eat! Off together by car but too late to collect a mysterious parcel that had arrived at the post office. So on to our Sandy Happy Eater where we have a nice lunch in familiar surroundings. We are all appreciating our home base again after an interesting tour.

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Worrying about Freda and Alf’s problems as we drive back and stop at Stonehenge before home to hear news of a National Docks Strike
Up, and our morning drinks, after a restless night for Daniel and I. we were both awake wondering about Freda’s future plans and hoping that they can raise some financial income from the land once the initial help is given. Down to our Grenville breakfast and the children manage quite well once they have got used to the routine. After breakfast Di feeds Daniella, whilst Daniel swims for the last time in the hotel pool and Debbie goes down to the play room. Eventually we have packed and I get the chance to check with the telephone answering machine by remote interrogation. Nothing new and so we go to load up the car and check out of the hotel. Time before we set off to walk down to the beach and let the children play first in the ‘bouncy thing’ and then on the peddle go-karts. A round of ice creams and a look in the beach shop for Diana and then it was time to go – but we had got some good video shots.