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Working at home on my alarm system and checking on The Lady, the ducks and doves in the cold and frosty weather as trouble rumbles on in Haiti and The Philippines with Papa Doc Duvalier and Marcos in equal bad odour but Tory Grandees use the Young Conservative Conference to make coded attacks on the wounded Thatcher and Bristow’s claim of being offered a knighthood for cooperation resonates.
A much better night’s sleep and then up to my normal breakfast. Washed, dressed and shaved early so as to reroute my burglar alarm after the alterations to the kitchen to hall door. I was expecting the builders to return to do some plastering and so completed the rerouting early, but they did not come and so I had plenty of time and a clear run. I then altered the security safe combination to my private number and tried it out a few times and it worked well. I also filled up my data safe with critically important items, but left the fire file (the fireproof document filing cabinet) until tomorrow.

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A day alternating between attending Peacock’s Auction in Bedford and liaising with my builders, swimming pool contractors and security safe installers as I protect The Lady from a severe frost, check Daniel’s school work and rad to Debbie. Government crisis times in the Philippines, Haiti and back in Britain as Thatcher uses foul parliamentary tactics to avoid questioning and there are riots in Bristol and mass trials of The Mafia in Palermo
Another poor night, but did not feel too bad when I was woken to my morning paper and tea. When called for breakfast, I held back to continue reading and let Daniel (with his heavy infectious cold) go first and clear the kitchen. Up, showered and dressed and, after breakfast of cereal and top of the milk, I started liaising with the builders. They had arrived late after problems with their car and I established that I could leave the alarm wires in place, as they were going to move the kitchen door frame intact. I briefed both them and Joan, the cleaner, on my instructions for delivery of the security safes, and then took off for Peacocks antique auction in Bedford.

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A better night’s sleep after sex and then first to The Greater London Record Office and then to Swiss Cottage in six inches of snow for more family history research as Thatcher takes a ‘U’ turn over British Leyland and it is claimed that Alan Bristow was offered a Knighthood if he backed out of the European Consortium support and thousands of anti-nuclear demonstrators picketed the Molesworth base today
After a late night, I wake Diana for a frolic and then settled to a sound sleep. The normal morning routine and then I settle back in bed to read the Financial Times and quite a lot of mail. By the time I had washed and dressed, it was time for morning coffee at 10.00am and, with the snow falling and a six inch layer already, Diana’s parents opted not to come over for lunch today. I got the log fire lit for Di and the baby, arranged for Pete to feed the doves and then set off by car to London for some more family history research.

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Better day after a restless night worrying about us trashing the verge with our swimming pool excavations and then working with Daniel on my word-processing microcomputer, liaising with Elm Leisure over the pool and juggling finances before some family meals, as Government ‘Industrial Policy’ is castigated in The House with sale of our truck industry to the US, privatisation of the water industry and now a nuclear radioactivity spillages at Sellafield and Sizewell are confirmed
A poor night worrying over the mess of the swimming pool excavation and arrangements for the restoration of the verge. Eventually awoken from a sound and belatedly deep sleep and had a headache that lasted much of the day. Down after a look at the paper to breakfast and pleased to get boiled egg for breakfast. Smartly washed and dressed and then to the office to start work. I commenced with an update of my investment summary and to sort out the results of all my gilt transactions.