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I aborted my St Ives auction visit after Nigel cancelled and so drove to London for more family history research on John Broad and family in Watford and then home late for tea but still read to Debbie as an Israeli. Syrian jet incident hits the headlines, oil and Sterling fall, Westland will dominate tomorrow at the House and Murdoch and SOGAT 82 are at loggerheads
A poorish night, but finally slept and woke tired to my morning drink. Time to look through the Financial Times to see sterling down yesterday and gilts down in sympathy. Jaguar is climbing, but Kode is staying put at just under a £. Down to breakfast of boiled duck egg with toast and fruit juice and both me and the kids thoroughly enjoyed it. Quickly showered and dressed and ready to leave by 8.30am. Not much in the post, but I took a couple of BMMG correspondence items to re-address to Owles Hall.

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Visit away from the nearly completed pool excavation on another cold and damp day to the Hertford Record Office and Local Studies Dept. as Diana struggled with a snuffly Della and now Daniel is ill with it as the new DTI minister Paul Channon, announces talks for general Motors to take over Leyland Truck and Land Rover, the Defence Select Committee want more government witnesses and Sterling collapses again as the oil price plummets
A fair night’s sleep only after Diana had the bedroom radiator on yesterday and it took a long while for the bedroom to cool down. My mind active also, after pondering on my family history research and planning the next action to take. Sound asleep when my morning tea arrived at 7.00am, but a chance to see the paper for a while before a dull breakfast of toast and fruit juice, where boiled egg would have been more welcome. Quickly washed and dressed afterwards and, pausing only to give Di a building society pass book and for us both to sign the latest gilt stocks transfer form, I then set off by car to continue my family history research and to get away from the continuing disruption of the swimming pool excavation.

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Diana struggling with Della being sick and so I made the family breakfast before out to ameliorate the dumper trails on the grass verge before a fine meal of roast pork and then taking videos of the building work status as snow and ice affects Northern England and Wales and Rome and Venice floods, Rupert Murdoch bans unions and the government is trying to avoid appearing before The Defence Committee
Woken rather late and soon to read the Sunday paper (now the Observer). After a while, poor Di comes up with both Della and Debbie crying. It seems that Della was sick, Debbie tired and Di was getting more and more frustrated at not being able to get on and prepare the breakfast. I got up, took over the cooking and prepared my own fried breakfast of two slices of fried bread, egg, tomato and mushrooms and Daniel also helped by laying the table and preparing the toast and crockery. Diana’s contribution at one point was to bring Della in, let her be sick all over the floor and then take her out again, which did not succeed in putting us off.

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Some work on my share transfers and then collecting Debbie from her ballet before driving to St Ives for the auction viewing and then home to collect Daniel who had to cycle home by Diana, miffed at us not having a Happy Eater lunch and then with him to see Rocky IV in Bedford as landslides kill 9 in the French Alps, SOGAT still fight Murdoch and the wet weather endangers my swimming pool excavation
Awake first for a change at 7.00am as Di seemed to want to lay in. To the radio and, like each Saturday, a very interesting farming programme on Radio 4. This week was about a dedicated Farmer/Warden of some Nature Conservancy ancient Downs and his wife, who continue to farm the land in the old way in memory of the former owner and his predecessors. It now remains just about the only Downs unspoiled through ploughing and clearance down the ages. Up to a dull toast and juice breakfast and only then did my paper arrive, late probably because of the News International dispute.