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My urinary tract infection was taking hold again, despite the antibiotics, and both sitting, reading and working was very difficult but at least the gas engineer came and fixed the central heating, Daniel helped with the ducks and doves and Diana managed to make Debbie’s tea party a success. This as the government is under severe pressure and defensive about British Leyland being sold to foreign owners, the Philippines is a powder keg after the disputed elections and the Iran/Iraq War gets nasty
Slept well, but awoke to uncomfortable pains and aches in my lower stomach, which were worse when I passed water – and all the time I suffer from a dull headache and flushed feeling of a temperature. Later today I measured my temperature at 100.4 degF! This is a pity, because in the first day of taking the antibiotics I had experienced a noticeable improvement, but now I seem to be slipping back again. Mrs Jackson was here today to help Di look after the baby, as she was organising a tea party for Debbie. After being chased yesterday, the British Gas engineer came late this morning and fixed our central heating, which was a blessed relief.

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Another cold and slightly snowy day of retribution for Daniel as I slowly recovery and eat well but no progress with repairing the heating system although I still work on my tax files and receive Debbie and Della as a Public Enquiry is announced to look into the radio-active nuclear waste leaks and dumping of waste into the Irish Sea, Home Secretary Douglas Hurd speaks out on the Tory’s uphill battle to regain support and the process is not helped by their redefinition of unemployment for political purposes
A much better night as the antibiotics have eased my pain and discomfiture and let me sleep well. Still very uncomfortable when I went to the toilet, but, as the day went on, the soreness was less and less distance inward, almost as if my infection of the urinary tract was being cleared up from the inside out. Breakfast brought up of toast and apple juice – I ate the former, but stuck to my water and orange juice to drink. A rest after breakfast then managed to read today’s paper before starting a day of watching the TV. I did wash and shave for the first time and by the afternoon I was able to sit up and start to sort my tax papers.

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A poor start to the day with soreness in urinating and a back ache (probably infected kidney/s) which necessitated phoning the doctor and getting some antibiotics which meant I was unable to join Diana for Daniel’s parents’ evening but still read to Debbie and supervised Daniel’s homework as mass murder of black demonstrators takes place in the South African township of Alexandria and another radio-active leak takes place at Sellafield nuclear reprocessing plant. Now the teachers have voted to strike but petrol drops 3p as crude oil prices continue to collapse
A poor night and start to the day, as a dull back ache refused to be eased and every attempt to urinate was met with a sharp soreness that spread outwards from my poor body. The morning laying in bed, struggling to keep warm and stay comfortable. The problem is that the hot water bottles are first of all too hot to touch without getting chilblains and then eventually too cold to be of any use; for the room was still cold after another frosty night and day time temperatures that have yet to melt the snow. Di was shopping for most of the morning, but when she came back I got her to phone the Doctor, as medication was obviously essential. He agreed to leave a prescription for antibiotics out at 2.00pm and Diana went back later to pick it up.

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Ill in bed with my splitting headache and urinary tract infection in cold weather that is killing others but still eating and keeping company with the children even though I could not work very effectively as Labour start rejecting David Hatton’s Militant Tendency in Liverpool and South African security forces prevent journalists from reporting their repression
Another splitting headache on waking this morning and I still feel quite groggy. I get Diana to renew my hot water bottles and then sit up in bed for some cereal and Disprin. Di has to drive Daniel to Kimbolton as he misses his school bus, but I get up and sit in front of the blazing log fire and catch up on yesterday’s journal. I always get a sore back when trying to sit up in bed. Back to bed for lunch of sausage, carrots and potatoes, which I manage to eat satisfactorily and then a long and lazy afternoon. Neither a chair nor a bed was comfortable enough.