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A hard, cold and very windy day working on wiring up my repositioned workshop with Daniel hosting his friends for a boat trip and picnic. World leaders meet up for the Tokyo Summit as three rockets reign down on the State Guest House but Thatcher and Reagan still meet there for an hour of private talks. Both sides complain of behaviour in the Wapping demonstration with 150 demonstrators and 175 police injured as the latter charged the crowds
A lay in as we are still recovering from our excesses of the other evening and then slow to get dressed and so to breakfast in my pyjamas. Daniel’s friend, Steve Hicks, had come over for the day and joined us, as I ate thus. Still, I enjoyed a nice fried breakfast and washed and dressed afterwards. My working clothes and straight out to the workshops to continue my electrical wiring. An arduous task it was, as the high current cable was difficult to bend and shape to the contours of the walls. So much work involved in doing the job properly and I get a bit disheartened by coffee break time, but carried on until lunch.

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A morning recovering from yesterday and tidying up after the work but I had to leave an Diana ill in bed when I went to pick up Daniel from his school bus in St Neots so that he could come home and enjoy some boating with his friends as I then wired up the lighting in my new workshop. A terrorist bomb kills 21 in Sri Lanka, many of which were Britons and the nuclear fallout from Chernobyl now hangs over the British islands where we have more rioting and demonstrations at Wapping and attacks on them by police
Rather groggily awake this morning and Di and I treat one another with kid gloves as we try to get going. I cannot find time to dress before breakfast at the usual time. We enjoy the luxury of our new carpets and see Daniel off to school, before getting on with our chores. Di makes an early trip into St Neots to do some shopping and finds the town packed with shoppers, stocking up for the bank holiday weekend. I wandered around the house tidying away the carpet remnants, returning things to more suitable rooms and generally clearing up. Then out to the workshop, when I turned the door round and made wooden turnbuckles to secure all my shed doors open.

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Morning at Peacock’s Bedford auction and then lunch at The Anchor in Tempsford before a dinner party at Hails Weston House with Nigel, Lynne and their doctor and farmer friends when I continued to be worried about Nigel’s heart condition ‘skipping beats and making him delirious’ and we talked about crop sprays, health and the Russian radioactive cloud passing over Eastern England today!
Awake to my morning tea and to get ready by my normal routine, joining the others for breakfast of cereal. The children to school and then I was eager to leave for Bedford to see the Peacock auctions. However, Di was delayed by Joan getting her to sign all manner of documents, against our better judgement. Eventually, off by car with Della on a very warm and humid morning and glad of our Jaguar’s air conditioning. Parked in town and decided to take coffee with the others to be sociable, before going off to Peacocks. The antique auction in the Robert Room was today, but I am again unimpressed by the lots, although there were a few nice pictures.

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Beautiful bright and sunny day re-positioning and re-erecting the shed and then flooring it with vinyl with Norma visiting and the workmen finishing off the pool area and fitting carpets as news emerges of the mayhem and worst ever night of prison violence that resulted from the prison officers’ strike and evacuated radio-active victims of the Chernobyl nuclear leak start arriving in the UK
I felt hot again last night, but eventually got to sleep after shedding my pajama jacket. Up on an already bright and sunny day and down in good time for breakfast. More Jordan’s crunchy cereal, but Daniel & Debbie had to wait, as I sent them back up to tidy their bedrooms. Out at 8.00am to get Pete’s help with my workshop construction. Unhappily, he was unwell and had to leave early for a doctor’s appointment, but I still got him to trim back the hedge and help me carry the shed sections to the vicinity of their new positions. I went inside to make some phone calls and then nipped into St Neots Co-operative shop to buy some vinyl for the workshop floor.