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Overcoming my bad back to care for and about my children today and watching a troubled Cheltenham Gold Cup taking place in snow flurries as Wilson Silcott and others are convicted of the PC Blakelock murder by confessions only, rows emerge after unemployment figures are published and Lester Piggott is charged with more tax offences
Awake this morning to my normal tea, but with my back ache still troublesome as I tried to sit up in bed. I had stayed up a little later, watching football on TV last night and that did not help. Staggered through my morning routine and then down to breakfast with the others. Soon, Daniel left, fully equipped with his pencil case etc, for the maths exam. It seems that, instead of taking this paper this afternoon, he was given it this morning, which came as yet another surprise. I spent this morning continuing my desk work and actually physically clearing my desk out the same time.

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Trying to resolve Daniel’s ‘O’ level Mathematics conundrum with his Head of Maths, borrowing a primary School ’Peaks Maths’ book for Debbie to study and booking a box at the Cambridge Arts Theatre as legal immunity is granted for two Reagan aids to enable them to testify in the illegal aid to the Contra row, British Rail will have to shed 1400 jobs before privatisation and The Medina treasure ship has been found and its valuable contents being recovered as salvage
Slept well and was awoken by Di with my morning tea. Soon I was up, showered, shaved and dressed for breakfast. I took Daniel his cup of tea, woke him, and spoke to him about this question of his taking ‘O’ level in maths. He agreed that, with our evaluation of the syllabus, he could succeed and would try his best. Back to my office and spent a half hour writing and typing out a letter to Mr Petty, the Kimbolton Head of Maths, to press our case further. Breakfast and then Daniel went off to school with the letter to hand deliver and I went back to my office and spent the morning going through my action file of paperwork and implementing my outstanding items.

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Pleasant family start to the day and then to Cambridge in the Range Rover to scour shops for food containing no ‘E-number’ additives and then back to supervise Daniel schoolwork with Debbie insisting on joining in! Chancellor Lawson’s Budget today reduced Income Tax and seemed to be designed to curry favour with a possible June election in mind as the PC Blakelock murder trial jury considers its verdict
Awoke a little before Di and teased her until her rising time of 6.15am, in a classic game of ‘slap and tickle’. Di then got the drinks more quickly than usual and the girls came to join me in bed in the meanwhile and so we had our drinks together. Down to breakfast and Rice Crispies was on the menu today, with toast as the only other choice. After breakfast, I sat and read three stories to Daniella, as a reward for eating up her meal and then I went out to see Pete, the gardener, with my instructions for the work outstanding. He was to cut down a large bough of the hawthorn tree (by our bedroom window) today, so that it would no longer overhang the swimming pool.

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A calmer and more conciliatory family day with Daniel pledged to wear slippers to protect his long-suffering toe during which I went out to clear the gutters, downpipes and dovecotes and restoring water to the moorings before time in front of the Tv for today’s stories. Crime incidents are rising and detection rates falling in this divided society, a 17-year-old mental patient is to be sterilised, a million schoolchildren misses half a day’s lessons today, the government implements hasty legislation to fine airlines for bringing in refugees to Britain and Sir Michael Havers is all set to try and appeal in the Australian MI5 case
A deep sleep and then reluctant to awake at the usual time. Daniel had stubbed his toe a couple more times and is now pledged not to run around the house and to wear slipper at all times. Showered, shaved and ready for breakfast, at which we all had to spoon cereal from a large serving bowl and pour milk from a jug. I have now banned the large and cumbersome cereal packets and bottle of milk from the table. A sunny, if cool day, forecast to turn cloudy and wet later and so I went out after breakfast into the grounds, to do a few jobs that needed the dryness that the last few says sun and drying breeze had given us.