More canvassing, this time in the Tory area of Park Avenue and Park Way, competing successfully for flag-board sites. News of the IBA broadcasting a documentary on the IRA volunteers being shot dead in Gibraltar whilst surrendering despite the government trying to suppress the story. The strike-breaking ferries prepare to sail and High Court action is now adjourned pending talks at ACAS
A better time sleeping each night. This time I managed to turn over three times! Slow to get up again and I actually attended breakfast with the family, but only wearing my pyjamas. It had rained heavily through the night and continued this morning for a while. I showered and shaved after my meal and prepared to work on in my office, but the weather cleared up and I realised that I should go canvassing after all. This morning I worked in the Park Avenue area, where one active Tory had been persuading his neighbours to accept garden boards and had been putting them up. My efforts were of limited success, due to the area being with Tory, but I had my successes in Park Way, where I got acceptance for a diamond board right opposite the paper shop.
Home for lunch and then out later to spend more time speaking to people further down Park Avenue. Teatime rather late and then an evening working my way up Gordon Road and then along the High Street. A prime flag board site near to the school and a couple of large families counting double by voting for me rather than the Tories. Home late and my journal and TV news before bed. The main news is of a row between the government and Independent Television over the screening of a TV programme purporting to prove that the Gibraltar killings of IRA men took place, despite their surrendering. Foreign Secretary, Sir Geoffrey Howe, tried to persuade IBA Chairman to stop the programme, but they stuck to their guns and went ahead, and good luck to them. In the ferries war, the strike breaking ships prepare to sail and made various in-port manoeuvres to satisfy shipping inspectors. The High Court action by the ferry companies was adjourned until tomorrow, pending talks at ACAS tomorrow.