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Some time on the phone organising my meeting contributions for the week and also preparing for my local history talks and then time with Peter directing his efforts on filling the lawn drainage channels and scarifying the lawn prior to my next top-dressing phase. The US discovery space shuttle landed successfully after eventful but successful space journey and the Labour Party conference went well with surprising unity displayed
Went to bed very tired and slept equally soundly until woken with my morning tea on a cool and foggy morning. Slowly up, shaved and dressed and then down to my breakfast of unsweetened wheat flakes and milk. This morning, I got down to making several phone calls to organise my political and personal affairs. Spoke to the Leisure and Amenities Chairman and the District Administrator about my contributions to the meetings tomorrow night and they were quite helpful. Got Pete sifting gravel today to put in my drive drainage channel and then moving the sandstone rocks (from the old Heddings well) to the rockery by the summerhouse. The contractors came and collected the mini digger this morning but no sign of the builders all day.

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Bright and sunny day after a frosty start as I got Debbie and her friend Amy to help me clean the car and the garage before I then cleaned out the pond and adjusted its balance for winter storage and finally mowed the games lawn. A troubled Sunday lunch after which we attended the St James Church, harvest festival supper and barn dance. Neil Kinnock and Roy Hattersley re-elected as leader and deputy leader of the Labour Party and two men from a wrecked trawler swam 9 miles to be rescued off Penzance Cornwall today.
Had a lay in this morning after a rather restless night and Diana made the hot drinks for once on a Sunday. Another frost last night and sunny bright start to the day. Before it was warm enough to go out, I read yesterday’s newspapers and relaxed a while as my limbs and back was still weary from this last few days’ effort. Then out at 9:30am to vacuum the Range Rover, getting Debbie and her friend Amy to help me by sweeping out the garage which was still full of leaves. Pestered Di into giving me morning coffee and then started the job of cleaning the car.

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Arrival of the builders on a fine and sunny day to commence digging the conservatory ponds as we were busy carrying away the earth to build up other areas. Pat and Percy dropped round to print out some press releases, I then spent some time raking the games lawn and then went off to lunch with Daniel and his friend Gary before going on to Sandy for advice on my Koi carp pool design and to buy more peat and top lawn dressing. News from the USSR is of Gorbachev taking over as Soviet president. Widespread violence in Pakistan in Karachi today and in Hyderabad yesterday with scores of protesting youths dying and hundreds being injured. Freak weather in Spain causes flash floods after heavy rain
Slept well and awoke early this morning, dashing down to the lounge to watch the Olympics on TV. It was the final of the Britain versus West Germany hockey contest and we came through to win 3-1 in a convincing victory for gold. I had my shower and shave during the half-time interval! No time to celebrate the victory, as the builders arrived, and I was out there receiving the earth from the digger straightaway. They arrived at 8am and, in the first 1½ hours dug out about 50% of the second and shallower pond. Gordon (Eddie’s neighbour) was supposed to come and take the earth to fill in his river frontage but, as he had not come, I went and knocked him up or he would be too late for the rest. At least I managed to build up the summerhouse foundation and so can extend it when it has bedded down.