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After very late to bed and settling Debbie down to sleep, I took Di out on a cold and blustery day to an early lunch and some shopping afterwards as she had been rather depressed and was quite inconsolable at first and was still in tears later. When Nigel visited later, I helped him with some artwork for his sponsored Fun Run and then I decided to take Daniel and his car into St Neots to DAB Autos who generously offered to repair it for £300 and could start straight away. Some work in the conservatory later and an eaerly night with Diana who was still tired and depressed.
The US threatens the Soviet Union over Lithuanian intervention, South African police open fire on several thousand black anti-apartheid demonstrators and 8 were killed and many more injured. Lloyds of London have done well to avoid underwriting losses after London's largest U.S. liability underwriter has been banned by the DTI due to having overcommitted assets.
I had been very late to bed last night but had stopped by to see Debbie who was having trouble sleeping over the excitement over her school trip to Holland that starts this morning. In the morning I was late up, washed and dressed; undertaking the normal ablutions that are needed after a few days on the boat. I then had to have breakfast somewhat late as a result. After this, I took Diana out to an early lunch and to do some shopping generally and for Daniel's birthday presents. She has become rather depressed and was quite inconsolable at first. We had an early snack at the Happy Eater and did my shopping first. Duck food from Avenue Fisheries, large plant pots, peat and seeds from Bickerdike’s and then we set off via two other garden centres for seed trays before we got to Bedford at about 12.30pm. We shopped around for things for Daniel, bought him a Filofax diary and wallet and some revision folders and then argued over what else to get. I did not want to spoil him and thought of a calculator, but Di was convinced that he already had one and she ended up in tears again.
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Mothering Sunday as the clocks go forward – A social day as I visited Mum in Stanton on my way back from Norfolk after welcoming the Jackson family who visited Heronshaw. The weather was cold windy and showery, but I could still tidy the garage, clear out the boathouse, fit more mooring rings to secure the dinghies as the water rises with the flooding.
Daniel had crashed his car again, forgotten Mother’s Day and Debbie had fallen out with Fiona at the riding school. Thatcher faces a rebellion in Parliament over the Poll Tax, A New York nightclub fire has killed 87 people and arson is expected and Soviet troops are on manoeuvres on the Lithuanian border as the Baltic Republics pledge solidarity in their fight for unconditional independence
I had made the decision yesterday to go back home later today, the weather being cold, windy and showery and visit Mum on the way back and so I tried to bring things to a conclusion. I stayed a while clearing things up after having been on the boat for several working visits, making a mess. I had just about started outside when the Jacksons arrived. There was Norma and Charles Jackson, Snr, and Chris and Charles, Jnr, together with their daughters Catherine and Natalie. I showed them the buildings first - the garage and shed - and Heronshaw itself. They could not have seen it in less favourable circumstances, but they still felt that it was well worth renovating and saving. Then I showed them the boat-house which they entered with some trepidation before I invited them into the warmth of the Paxton Princess for cocktails for the grown-ups and cola, peanuts and crisps for the girls.
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After staying overnight on the Paxton Princess at Horning, I adjusted its hood supports and then checked on The Little Lady for sale at Percival’s and then spent the day working on the renovation of my shed, jacking it high and repairing it to the standard that my old Dad would have done. An evening foray on my new inflatable before home tired and cold at dusk. I made myself a nice meal and rested whilst watching the television and then telephoned Mum and Freda later.
I was up a little later and stayed on The Paxton Princess for a while to mend and adjust the flying bridge hood. The stainless steel support was a little too long and the previous owner had not troubled to get it adjusted to fit properly. This involved sawing off a short length from one end and replacing the termination fitting which was quite easy to do. Whilst up here, I had checked on the Little Lady at Percivals and they have done a good job of sprucing up its appearance and repairing that boat's hood for resale. It looks quite attractive and I think it might sell reasonably well this Easter. I spent the rest of this morning on the shed floor and whilst I was doing so, I kept thinking of my late father (with tears in my eyes) and of how he would have done the job himself. Every time there was a short cut to be made, I asked myself how he would have approved and then I resolved to do the job properly after all.
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My first day of several on the boat, getting out early whilst hearing of the stunning defeat of the Tories in the overnight by-election result. Then to unload the car and fit all of the new items on The Paxton Princess before and after starting work jacking up the old shed and replacing its lower walls.
The Tories really have their backs to the wall now whilst Gorbachev and the Soviet government do everything they can to prevent Lithuania from seceding unilaterally without negotiation.
I was quite slow to get to sleep and was then awake at 6.30am and out working by 7.30am this morning. The radio was full of the stunning defeat of the Tories in what was one of their safest constituencies with a majority of 14,654 in the 1987 general Election. The result was Labour 27,649 Conservative 18,200 and Liberal Democrats 6,315 with the other parties losing their deposits. I unloaded the rest of the things from the car this morning and then put the new outboard, anchor, chains etc in their correct places. The main anchor was joined to a lengthened chain and now works well with the electric winch. I put the large mud-weight in the permanent position and the two anchors in the fender baskets on the rails.
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