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At leisure visiting Cambridge where we scaled the church tower for a grand view of the City and then at home watching the test match where England duly beat Sri-Lanka by over 100 runs before another good game of croquet.
Worries over the control of Soviet nuclear weapons in each of the former USSR republics and of the territorial claims of Yeltsin’s Russian Republic with regard to Russian-speaking areas of the Ukraine and other states as the West are now ready to recognise the independence of the Baltic States who were only taken over in the 1940's.
The day was scheduled to be warm and sunny again, though thankfully not quite so much as yesterday. I was up a little slower than of late and read this morning's Financial Times before shaving and showering. Breakfast of croissants and then all ready for our trip to Cambridge. I decided that we should still continue our holiday mood as tourists and so, after meeting Di's parents with the girls for morning drinks at Eadon Lilley's, we shared the shopping and then met to scale the church tower for the best panoramic view of Cambridge.
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A rather disappointing St Neots Carnival on another very hot and sunny day after which the girls swam in our pool and we enjoyed a family game of croquet on our Games Lawn. The news is of the escalating break-up of the Soviet Union with my concerns about increasing anarchy and the risk of a Yeltzin Russian dictatorship
Today was another very hot and sunny day which was nice for the final day of St Neots Carnival. After the normal chores this morning, I went down and mowed the games lawn and then set out the croquet game for later on. Before lunch, Della and I managed to have a little practice on it, and she became quite interested in the game. This afternoon, we took the Range Rover down to Priory Park and paid our £3 occupants’ admission to the carnival gala day. Debbie was soon aloft with Amy and Katherine Law in the trip helicopter, much to Della's disappointment, and the rest of us worked our way around the stalls.
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A relaxing day catching up with chores, tending the fish, birds and plants and swimming pool. Sometime washing and polishing the Reliant and my bicycle before a fine roast beef lunch. Taking the girls in the van to the playing field and then watching TV athletics and riding my bicycle around the village later on a fine and warm night.
I was up late last night watching a film and retired doubly-happy after seeing the late-night girls. Had a lay in this morning as a result and then enjoyed a fine fried breakfast, courtesy of Diana, with some nice mushrooms as a particular highlight. Then out to tend my fish, birds and plants and to start work on the swimming pool. Daniel was away in Norfolk with Angela for the weekend, and I found the swimming pool needing a lot of attention after Daniel looking after it lately. I swept round the swimming pool and then vacuumed it thoroughly before adjusting the chemical levels and temperature.
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A day of eye tests for the family and, after Daniel left with Angela for Norfolk, and Debbie went to a friend for a sleep-over, I took Diana and Della to see the St Neots Carnival Parade where my friends were on the reviewing stand. The Soviet peaceful revolution goes on as Gorbachev surrenders to the inevitable and distances himself from the Communist Party.
I was a little slow to rise this morning and then did the chores of watering and feeding the plants and animals. The peacock is still a regular visitor but has completely lost all of its display tail feathers which makes it look quite strange. To St Neots with the entire family as we had made prior arrangements for everybody to have an eye test, and this took most of the morning. After Daniel was finished, he took Angela of to Norfolk, stopping off at Mum's bungalow on the way.
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