A slow start to the day but then progress in listing outstanding jobs and good news with Della’s acceptance by Kimbolton School. My afternoon Onsite Board Meeting was a depressing affair with no successful business formula for the company nor a way of solving their acute cash flow position.
More skirmishes with Iraqi planes now having undertaken more sorties but losing two more in battle. The US military now admit 22 Scuds fired on Saudi Arabia (18 shot down) and 13 on Israel (1 destroyed) which is more than previously admitted.
I had gone to bed very late again last night and was tired when woken up this morning. Slow to get down to breakfast to find that Debbie had already gone off to school. I was pleased to get a letter from Kimbolton School that confirmed that Della had secured a place for entry into the Preparatory Department and will start in September. Della seemed pleased as well, but Diana was rather ambivalent, being nervous on her behalf. She had worried about Debbie in the same way, but her fears turned out to be unfounded.
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I worked in my office first thing, clearing up the mess and putting things away. Then I surveyed the work needed for the hall/utility area and listed the jobs on a word processor for Diana to check for completeness. Lunch and then time to go out. I did my outside chores whilst I was dressed for it and then drove round to Grove House. The day was quite cold and we have had the same weather for a few days with a really strong anti-cyclone giving cold and settled weather but no rain or snow. I chaired this afternoon's ONSITE Board Meeting for three hours and it was a very trying affair. Again, poorly supported with forecast information about future revenue and the information that we had was also riddled with errors and discrepancies. During this meeting, I tried hard to find a successful business formula for the company and also to see how the acute cash position could be solved but really failed on both counts. There is one slim chance of the company being acquired by another organisation and we will trade on for a couple of weeks in this hope but I am not optimistic.
Home late for tea and then this evening spent finishing off the work plan for the building project. I also received and made a couple of telephone calls. The news of the Gulf war is of more skirmishes with Iraqi planes now having undertaken more sorties, but losing two more in battle. They have also lost two mine-laying craft and a small island during which they had about 30 taken prisoner and three soldiers killed. The US military now admit 22 Scuds fired on Saudi Arabia (18 shot down) and 13 on Israel (1 destroyed) which is more than previously admitted, especially on Israel. In the last day there were 5 Scudds launched; one on Haifa, two on Ryhad, two on Dahran and the last falling on the desert. The British have lost another Tornado, making 6, to add to 15 US and the other 3, totalling 24. Western estimates of Iraqi planes lost is 19 in the air and 41 on the ground.