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The day started bright, sunny and warm so that we could get the covers off and the roofers could keep on working at felting and battening before starting work on the stud-work at the dyke end of the roof. Joan and Trevor Gray were down and thought that Harnser was ‘a bit big’. I heard from Diana today who has managed to get the car fixed and will be coming back with the girls tomorrow
I was first up this morning even though I had also been last to bed yesterday evening. The day started bright, sunny and warm so that we could get the covers off and the roofers could keep on working at felting and battening the new place. By mid-afternoon they had completed the job and could do no more before the tiles arrived and we ended the day without any idea as to when that might be. Steve and Allen worked steadily away securing the iron ties for the big trusses and finished those by the end of the day and Dave was on the soffit under the rear eaves of the boat-house and has at least one more day of that to do.
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Up early as Steve arrived and we set off for Norfolk with him regaling me with his story of maritime disaster aboard. The fine weather had broken, and the boathouse and timber had got quite wet overnight. The roofers were there as well with samples of the clay pantiles, and I agreed to go ahead with them.
Then running around changing the order and getting more lead, bolts, fixings and other items to keep all five men working efficiently on site. News from home was that Marshalls are fixing the Range Rover and Mum seems to be improving all of the time
I was up with the alarm soon after 5.00am and had time for breakfast before Steve arrived at 5.45am. A bit of a job loading all of my things in his car (with his taking up most of the room to start with, particularly as he had decided to bring a large microwave!) but we were soon away. I chatted to him on the journey about the building work and his experiences at sea last week. It had been a bit of a disaster with the main itinerary abandoned and a crew member jumping ship but good experience for Steven. We had to wait a few minutes for the roadside kiosk to open for our tea and bacon rolls and this made us a little late arriving at Heronshaw where we found the fine weather had broken and the boathouse and timber had got quite wet overnight after escaping the rain for the weekend.
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A day at home appreciating the company of Daniel and Angela and catching up with Nigel at Hail Weston House. I had liaised between the District Council and the roofers to achieve a compromise. After lunch Diana, Daniel and Debbie joined me on the games lawn for a hot and sweaty game of tennis!
Today, England managed to lose the fifth test match against Pakistan, and, with it, the series and this disappointment was mirrored in the Olympics where we got fewer medals than in previous years.
I slept well enough, despite the heat and the light and also regardless of a huge thunderstorm that broke over us. I was concerned about the partially complete boathouse in Norfolk but there was nothing that I could do. Up earlier than the others, showering and making a drink before doing some chores prior to breakfast. Pleased to see both Daniel and Angela were home and had a nice chat over coffee later. Daniel helped me look at the car and agreed with my tentative analysis that the water pump had disintegrated. They stayed in all day and were good company for the rest of the family. Before lunch, I drove round to see Nigel who had telephoned me in Norfolk during the week.
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Bad news from the Planning Department who wanted Clay Pantiles instead of the Marley tiles we had planned and were preparing slats for. The news about Mum’s leg was another urgent issue and, after shopping for bathroom fittings in Norwich, we rushed over to see Mum and found out that it was a problem and then spoke to Alf about the outstanding loan and agreed it was a genuine problem to be worried about.
I stayed overnight with the girls and then fully intended to do some more wood-staining this morning until the morning post arrived. There was a letter from the planning officers of North Norfolk District Council rejecting my choice of roofing tiles for Harnser and proposing "Norfolk Clay Pantiles" instead. This started me writing a letter of response to try a holding operation as we were already battening the roof with tile spline for Marley tile spacing and had the tiles on order for delivery early in the week. I also called Freda who told me about the accident Mum had and how her leg was swollen and damaged by the impact and had decided that we would drop in and see her on the way home.
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