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A very warm and sunny day such that the kitchen packing could dry out and I could assemble some of the kitchen units during the day. We took the Paxton Princess to Ranworth for lunch at the restaurant there, but the Yorkshire Puddings were burnt and the service so painfully slow so that we went without desert and coffee.
Di then took the girls off to Wroxham Barns this afternoon which was a pity because they again missed the Dunham girls who had dropped by to see them. I had also caught some baby moorhen chicks to show them.
A huge hurricane heading for Florida where over one million people are being evacuated and The West is still making bellicose noises over Yugoslavia and Iraq but I have little interest in those matters.
Debbie came into our berth with us last night complaining of having nightmares and this made us wake up quite tired this morning. I decided to go out and assemble a few of the kitchen units that had to be unpacked for getting wet and I managed to build up the first one before the girls were ready to get moving. It started out as a very warm and sunny day and so we took the Paxton Princess via a Horning boat service point to Ranworth for lunch at the restaurant there. We had a pleasant enough meal but the Yorkshire Puddings were burnt and the service painfully slow so that we went without desert and coffee. Della behaved appallingly and must really be taken in hand for her table manners. Back again to Horning in the boat at the end of a nice boat trip that had also led to the toilet tanks being pumped out. Strange how the owner of the boat service station on the main river in Horning gives pump-outs so grudgingly if no fuel is bought at the same time. You would hardly think that the fee of £7.50 is inadequate reward and that he was doing you a favour.
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A supply day, purchasing a kitchen and other equipment after visiting the Coltishall tip to dispose of lots of building rubbish. Following the collections, getting them back to Horning and safely stashed under cover as it had started to rain heavily.
A nice meal at Mr Chan's Chinese Restaurant in Horning after which back to the boat to sleep rather too full of too much rich food for our own good.
In the absence of any workmen today, I slept in this morning and then joined the family for breakfast. There followed some time whilst I sorted out the rubbish and then Debbie joined me to take the trailer to the tip near Coltishall where we got rid of all of the week's building rubbish. Then to my paperwork whilst I worked out what supplies I needed, and I telephoned MFI and told them that I would collect the kitchen in kit form later in the morning. Eventually, we set off, stopping at Eyre Electrical on the way to order the consumer units, extractor fans and other equipment to be ready on Monday. Then to MFI where we collected two huge trailers of kitchen units, appliances and accessories and I wondered whether we would get them all on board.
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Lining and wiring the Harnser boatshed and kitchen on a day which was sunny and dry for most of today but cooler and cloudier later. Diana took the girls to the seaside at Winterton today but I did manage to take them for morning drinks with them at the Wroxham Riverside Cafe.
This whilst combining this with a trip to Jewsons to get three bags of sand and one of cement for the roofers, some nails for the builders and then getting quotes for more windows.
Diana took the girls to the seaside at Winterton today but I could not go with them as I was working again. However, I did go and have morning drinks with them at the Wroxham Riverside Cafe whilst combining this with a trip to Jewsons. I spent my time running round after the workmen; three bags of sand and one of cement for the roofers, some nails for the builders and then getting quotes for more windows and preparing. Even so I did manage to complete the wiring of the telephones before the walls were clad and also got some more staining done; this time of the weatherboard.
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A pause to the outside roofing on a rainy day but I had a break with Di and the family and then Diana took the girls to The Horning Leisure Centre in the morning and then off to a Norwich cinema in the afternoon and then I took her out for a meal at The Broads Hotel carvery in Wroxham and had roast beef.
Work proceeded with the downstairs ceilings and bathroom wall linings under the dry of the felt and battens and Eastern Electricity came today and installed the supply to the meter box in. Our kitchen is ready at MFI and the stairs will be ready on Monday or Tuesday. Tomorrow is forecast brighter.
Slept well and then woke on time and was just finishing my breakfast and wash when Diana woke up early and joined me. I took her a coffee and then joined her in bed for the first time in a while as I had been too tired, busy and pre-occupied for lovemaking until then. It started fine this morning, but the sky got steadily darker and then the torrential and persistent rain lasted the rest of the day until evening. Diana took the girls to The Horning Leisure Centre in the morning and then off to a Norwich cinema in the afternoon and then I took her out for a meal at The Broads Hotel carvery in Wroxham and had roast beef. The roofers were a bit stuck with the weather and hung around in the boatshed for most of the day, forming lead flashing.
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