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The tilers were finishing the Harnser roof and Dave and Alan getting the stairs in and then fitting the kitchen worktops as I helped the hopeless Ray progress the overdue electrical wiring.
I phoned home and found that Della had another acute allergy attack after handling rabbits and guinee pigs but seemed better now. Both she and Debbie fought over the telephone to speak most to me before I managed to get satisfy them both
After chasing them both, I was pleased to see the arrival of both the electrician and the roofers today. The roof tilers finished off the lead flashing and laid the rest of the tiles to completely finish the roof and it looked very nice once it was done. I paid them off with a split cheque and saw them on their way. Ray spent most of the day here and, in that time, we completed the wiring of the bathroom and some of the kitchen. The other builders gave him a hard time over his recent absence and about him not turning up with proper tools for the job and having to borrow theirs. In truth, his performance has been poor, but I took the view that it was no good getting on at him but rather get the job done. I got Steve to help him with the noggins and this meant that we made good progress.
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Cladding the rear dormer after discovering that the extra thick formulation stain had been the cause of Steve’s difficulty. Fitting the first kitchen base units and taking delivery of the modified stair case and then enjoying a very nice sea food salad with Steve tonight after I had bought the ingredients
The stairs returned today ready for installation, but the builders concentrated on getting the rear dormer cladded and it looked very nice when they had done it. Steve battled on with the wood-staining the cladding and just about finished the first coat before I discovered later on that we had been using the extra-thick formulation that was hard to get on! This evening, I got Steve to help me set the first base units into the fitted kitchen so that we had most of them fixed with the service holes cut out ready. The plumber made a guest appearance today and ran the future dishwasher waste across under the units so that we could get the kitchen units fixed. Steve and I had a very nice sea food salad tonight after I had bought the ingredients.

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Another working day dealing with Harnser staircase, electrician and Jewson account problems whilst continuing with Steve endlessly staining the cladding
I lay in a while after the double journey of yesterday but then settled down to paperwork and ordering as Steve got on with staining more cladding and Dave and Alan tackled the installation of the staircase. I faced one problem after another as I had left my papers in a muddle last week and then left certain of them back in Paxton when I made my flying visit. The Jewsons account was pressing, and I had managed to leave their cheque and statement behind as well but I went in later and saw their accounts lady and then put things straight with another. Ordered the electric heaters whilst I was there and then, after two visits, also some rainwater ware at a total of £170 compared with the £370 I had been quoted at B & Q!
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A lightening home visit, stopping off at Redgrave to find both Mum and Freda with bad legs; Mum is still bed-bound with her leg swollen and Freda is also limping with hers weeping and bandaged; giving us serious cause for thought. The dash home and there we found Daniel in charge of a very green swimming pool.
Then off to Cambridge to collect a water cylinder from Rigeons and back to Horning via Norwich to collect the remainder of the electrical fittings from Eyre Electrical. The stairs were delivered today in sections and will be assembled tomorrow
A long and tiring day that started with me getting up early as usual and working before the others arrived. I hewed away at the "monument" that the roofers had left behind (a pile of tile off-cuts solidified with discarded mortar) with the old pick-axe. Though I did manage to break the pick-axe in the process, the pile was removed and buried to strengthen the built-up ground. Steve did not arrive as planned and I had to telephone him to find out that he had been delayed which I was not very pleased about. Then, having briefed the workmen, I gathered the family and our belongings together and set off for home where they were to stay, and I was to return to Norfolk.
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