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This was a busy buying day after I had finished off most of the security system wiring. There was a load of materials delivered from Jewson and others and it was quite a sweat checking off and putting away things from all three of these suppliers.
A little late for an impatient Diana for our meal at Mr Chan's Chinese Restaurant. Home after a late night walk around Horning, back to The Paxton Princess and an earlier night than of late.
I was first awake again and, after breakfast on my own, out to do some work before the others were about. I finished most of the main security alarm wiring and then made out a list of the alarm components that we needed in order to wire up the system. After 10.00am, I went out with Diana and the girls, and we tried to find out where the security firm was based but it took us some time to find it with Diana navigating. Some very good prices for cash and then on to look at electrical equipment when I eliminated B & Q from my considerations and opted to buy all of the things from Eyre Electrical.
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After a very wet night and morning, the roofers laid more tiles by the end of day which marked the 7th complete week of building. Dave just had Steve for company for most of the day and they finished off the soffit on the front elevations, fixed the downstairs door and window frames and then covered in the front with battens and building paper. I then got in most of the wires for the security system whilst I got in most of the wires for the security system
A very wet night and it was still raining when I woke up and got dressed this morning. It then showered all day, interrupting the work. This despite a weather forecast that had the weather clearing up today. I was rather depressed today; partially because of the weather, but mainly over the time it was taking to get the building work done. By the end of the day, I was happier having taken stock and admired the finish that we are achieving and also taken a walk to see the new boathouse in context with others around. It makes Mr Howlett's look positively like a doll's boathouse and the new large red pantiles and internal king-post trusses make ours very substantial and huge in bulk although the eaves overhang, dormers and hips give a rounded and friendly shape.
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An early start to prepare for a large delivery of roofing tiles on to our barge at Horning quay, the delivery lorry having a good crane for loading below and the barge coping well with the load. Di took the girls and Andrew Bloom to Norwich Aquapark swimming in the Range Rover and I stayed on site organising the work, stacking timber for drying and clearing away rubbish. Some trouble with the girls going to bed on the boat later.
I managed to get up soon after 6.00am and had breakfast ready for Steve and I fifteen minutes later. By ten to six Tony, the bargeman arrived, and soon after the two roofers; who joined me on the barge for the trip across to the quay whilst Steve went ahead in The Jolly. As we moved the cruiser to tie up, the lorry arrived, its driver leaving Pontefract in Yorkshire at 3.30am to get to Horning so early. What's more, the crane on the lorry was able to extend down into the bottom of the barge and load all except two of the pallets of tiles down there. The barge, heavily laden with 8 tons, was low in the water and I was concerned as to whether it could get along Ropes Hill Dyke; the tide being low water. I need not have worried as it hardly churned up the mud.
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The family return to Norfolk in my repaired Range Rover on a rainy day and the girls who were both pleased to see me, but we worked on and covered the walls with building paper and planned for the roof tile delivery early the next day.
Della had been today to see Mr Vaughan-Lane, her surgeon who now put her leg shortening at 2.5cms and he thinks that the legs should be completely equal after a further year and Mum was much better with her leg swelling reduced, although her lower leg was quite black and bruised as a result
It was a day that started dry but soon turned very wet with some heavy downpours of rain. Dave went via Jewsons and bought the type of building paper that he preferred and then later Steve and I tacked this on to the whole of the rear of Harnser and then battened it as well. Dave and Allen worked on the dyke-side gable, nailing on the soffit and then worked their way round to the area under the eaves of the front of the building; by this time working in the pouring rain. The plumbers came today and laid the supply pipes under the floor but did not have any waste pipes and so will have to come back to finish these before we can lay the complete downstairs floorboards.
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