Dealing with the aftermath of Debbie's party, responding to Norfolk Building Control queries and managing an election campaign meeting at Sally Guinee’s place which saw us behind in Eaton Ford whilst not far ahead enough in Paxton to be able to carry on with so little campaigning effort here.
Debbie's friends had slept on sleeping bags in the lounge overnight (at least for some of the time) and were quite late up this morning. I had a little sleep in but was soon up for breakfast with Diana and Della before going out to work on the swimming pool. Diana kindly agreed to feed the doves and fish, and backflush the pond filter; though it was lunchtime before she got round to it and then she let Della make quite a mess in the conservatory after I had spent time clearing it out! I worked all morning on the building plans, and again in the afternoon, completing the list of technical specifications and then re-drawing two elevations of the new boat-house on the computer. I am left with very much more to do tomorrow.
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This evening, John Brown came round to update the results of his canvas returns and I printed out some reports for him before we went on over to Sally's for an election planning meeting. This was a frenetic affair in which we were faced with the quandary that we were behind in Eaton Ford whilst not far ahead enough in Paxton to be able to carry on with so little campaigning effort here. We are really struggling to fight in four target areas at once, but I am getting the best use of the effort that we can call upon and we must hope for the best. Back home to find several problems and then updated this last couple of days journal so as to be able to start fresh on the building design in the morning and hopefully break the back of the task before lunch.