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Recovering in The Forss House Hotel after a night of drinking and some time with the locals before we re-laid the decoys at Saorach and walked up to The White Loch before dusk and was amazed to see some geese had landed on my loch. Around five skeins and over fifty geese settled in all
A lay in after a poor night, having drunk too much alcohol and eaten too much food. There was heavy rain overnight and again this morning, but I still gave the dogs a run before breakfast. They had settled well into the car and were really no trouble considering Ben does not usually like being separated from his mother and Sam was not used to sharing. The meal with the others but a little later than usual. Then time for some training on the lawn and I was surprised to find that Sam was by far the most cooperative and obedient but then I supposed that he was beginning to regard The Forss House Hotel as one of his homes!
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To Broubster with poor Jim having been sick again and we then encounter car problems as Nigel over-revved the car engine and boiled the radiator! Then clashing with Fountain Forestry clients also trying to shoot geese at Lochs Thormaid and Saorach.
Up until late watching TV boxing and saw the unfortunate Nigel Benn deemed by the judges to have only drawn his fight with Chris Eubank
Poor Jim was sick again last night but his determination helped him make a good recovery by the time we woke up at 3.35am in time for an early start on the road north. We had a few minutes to walk the dogs as Nigel was late as usual but we still left at 4.14am. I drove for the first session until dawn and stopped for us to have breakfast and walk the dogs having driven some 200 miles and got us to the north-east. Then I handed over the wheel to Nigel but came to regret it as he revved the engine high and pushed the car all the way. I had suggested keeping the revs to between 2000 and 3000 rpm for the automatic changes but he went up to 2000 revs higher as I winced.
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I slowly recovered from my own fever used Diana’s help with packing my stuff and Nigel’s for the car journey the next day but then Jim arrived also feeling sick and so I settled him straight down in the spare bed with a jug of water and a bowl for the night.
Eventually and very slowly, I regained my senses and composure during the night as my temperature fell and I lapsed into a fitful sleep. Covers that were far too hot in the evening, were inadequate in the small hours and I had to get up to rearrange the bed. I could not have stirred to make these adjustments earlier. I then awoke to find my temperature was back to normal and so I gingerly sat up to read and then made my way across the house for a refreshing bath. By now I was more confident of recovery and so I gave the good news to Jim and Nigel and spent the rest of the day getting things ready in short spells and resting in-between times. Diana and I even managed to load up the car with my gear and that of Nigel who had dropped it round in the afternoon.
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Struggling to organise my car preparation with Bill and then coming down with a debilitating high fever, not being able to move aching legs and being all flushed and sore, until it moderated later. I had to telephone Jim and Nigel to warn them of a possible postponement of the trip and feared what the night would bring.
A longish chat to Bill, the gardener, this morning for the first time in a while and then decided to get him to vacuum clean and wash the car for my trip to Scotland. Why is it that nobody seems to do things as you would wish them done yourself? Not only did he take most of the morning and wrenched off my rear washer point due to his clumsiness but he also shuffled the well mats. Even then, he did not manage to get the fly bodies off! I was also trying to get some paperwork done and, what with the interruptions and problems, got increasingly fed up with him.
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