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A depressing mixture of cloud and rain day for my normal routine as Nigel popped round to arrange next week for Scotland and I then drove to Mildenhall for an evening meeting with Jim Bird and trial for Sam and Ben to share a car boot.
The Tory Conference was still overshadowed by Margaret Thatcher today as she arrived at the hotel venue in Blackpool with more extracts of her book being published being critical of John Major
The weather was a depressing mixture of cloud and rain but I was to spend most of the time inside in my office anyway. Awake in time for an early breakfast and run for Sam so that I was able to see the girls off with him at the bus stop. Most of my office tasks involved telephoned arrangements, bill paying and bank account reconciliation and Diana made the trip to St Neots to put the necessary financial transactions into process. Nigel popped round and we made our final arrangements for the coming week in Scotland.
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Off to the Grafton Centre in Cambridge to get Sam’s trophy engraved as he seemed under the weather which the vet diagnosed as conjunctivitis in his right eye. Jim Bird was now coming to Scotland with Nigel and I.
The Tory Party Conference seems doomed with daily revelations concerning the forthcoming memoirs of Margaret Thatcher and the uncomplimentary comments about John Major.
I had noticed that Sam was not looking himself late yesterday with his eyes held closed more than usual and then, this morning, his right eye was weeping and crusted above and below. I wiped it clean with a warm cloth and he seemed all right as we walked across the fields but, being such a big-hearted fellow anyway, he would so I must keep a close eye on him. To Cambridge with Diana this morning to see her parents for coffee now that they have returned from their villa in Menorca. We took along Sam's trophy and rosette to show them and ended up taking it to be engraved in The Grafton Centre afterwards.
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On a day of sun and showers, chilly early and late, planning another Scottish trip with Nigel and inviting Jim as fighting breaks out again in Moscow with Boris Yeltsin’s commandos gradually retaking the huge multistorey parliament building
Two good sessions with my Best Puppy today, getting him to be more obedient and also starting to get him dropping to shot. Most of the rest of the day working on my backlog of paperwork, bills and bank statements to try to get my finances back under control. I did organise my next trip for Scotland. I wanted it to be in November but Nigel was keen to go soon before the weather gets too cold and the days too short. I got Diana's agreement to me going in return for me getting her a further birthday present.
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The "Best Puppy" prize for Sam on the Pointer Training Day in Harlow, after some pre-preparation in Paxton Pits before we left.
The stand off in Moscow caused by the constitutional vacuum continues between President Boris Yeltzin and the parliament led by its Speaker and the Vice-President with opposite forces exchange small arms fire in the vicinity of the parliament building
I was awake at 7.00am, which was in good time for what I had to do for the day, but this actually came as a lay in after the early mornings in Scotland. It was misty as I took Sam for his morning walk and, although time was short, I tried to put him through his paces and improve his obedience for today's event. I was delayed on my way back, looking at a large 21lb mirror carp caught at Paxton Pits and chatting to the angler who had caught around thirty carp this year; and all this made me a bit late. At least this meant that Diana was up and had made me a packed lunch but I had to rush breakfast and get out quickly afterwards to get there for the early 10am start.
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