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The 12hr journey back from Caithness to Paxton being welcomed by the girls if not Diana and then an evening game with Nigel after returning his guns
I had a 4.00am call and was soon out and in the car for another mammoth journey. The strong wind and heavy rain made things difficult but at least it was not foggy which is the most dodgy of all with those hair-pin bends as the main hazard. The total journey time was 12 hours including breaks until I was back. Della and Debbie were very pleased to see me but Diana was not so sure but I ended up sitting up with her to watch a film until 11.30pm, by which time I was very tired indeed. Before this, I went over to see Nigel to return his guns and ammunition and ended up having a game of snooker with him much to Lynn's disgust.

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An unsuccessful Highland Stalking and Fishing sessions due to the high winds and then packed ready for my drive back to Paxton. It was dinner courtesy of Ian McGregor as chief cook and bottle-washer before to bed ready for an early start.
I was out with Chris again for what proved to be a hopeless stag stalk at South Strathy. The wind was high, and we lost all of the advantage of being able to hear them calling in the rut and could not find a beast despite lots of spying and walking as hard as we could. I met Ian McGregor by arrangement by the loch at the end of the road past Alan's and we tried to fish it in a howling gale, despite the boat being out of order. His longer rod and greater experience gained him a couple of fish, but I had takes and hooked a large fish but failed to land anything. Another session back at Broubster in the afternoon, walking up grouse and then I collected our decoys from the lochs and said my farewells to the estate. It was dinner courtesy of Peter as cook and bottle-washer before to bed ready for an early start.