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Back to our Paxton routine haranguing Daniel over his car problems and poor care of Sam.
Then alarmed to hear of the extent of the flooding in Horning which has flooded many neighbouring properties.
Then off to Peterborough for relaxation to see the film, "Rising Sun". before back to Kimbolton Prep, for Della's parents evening
Another sound and deep night's sleep and reluctant to wake up for the new day. Out with Sam after a breakfast haranguing Daniel over his car problems and a good walk with the dog before the rain came down and we hurried home. He is quite obedient these days and is calming down considerably. A succession of telephone calls to arrange things that had arisen during my absence and was rather alarmed to hear of the extent of the flooding in Horning which has flooded my neighbour’s property and, with it, many of the other houses in the village.
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Diana's 45th Birthday ‘enjoyed, in a very crowded fine if cold London queuing for breakfast and admission to Madame Tussauds. The new feature of a historical ride was welcome but brief and trivial in its aim of trying to capture "The Spirit of London.
A good night's sleep, catching up on some of the rest that I needed. Time for Diana to open her cards and presents and she did quite well. Down to breakfast with the tourists after a lay in and found it crowded with a queue that we had to join. I always think that it is uncivilised to queue for a meal when you have booked your room and breakfast. Then, to make matters worse, they only "had us down" for two breakfasts and I had to sort that out with the reception afterwards otherwise we would have been charged extra!
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To the London Hilton hotel after cleaning the car in Paxton and hosting Daniel’s friends from U.E.A plus Gary for lunch on the eve of Diana's Birthday. Then by taxi to Tottenham Court Road/St Giles Circus for a meal before our theatre performance of "Grease"
There was no time to spare today as we had just the morning to prepare for our celebratory trip to London. A little lay in as I was so tired and then out with Sam after breakfast for a good run. Then not much time to clean out the car. I had to tidy and then vacuum the inside before I could sponge the outside with shampoo, rinse off with a hose and then leather the bodywork. It had looked just like a rally car, covered in mud, but returned to its new self and suitable for a family trip to London.
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Caithness to Cambridgeshire via Edinburgh with my trophy head in the pouring rain and snow to find widespread flooding in Norfolk with Wroxham unpassable and half of the Horning riverfront properties flooded but not Harnser. Tired to bed
Up at 4.00am for the long journey home by car. We had a slight delay trying to pack up all of our stuff and stow it into the car and its roof box and the pouring rain and wind did not exactly help us. The rain soon turned to snow flurries and then a serious snow fall started and soon covered the road. It was difficult seeing through a blizzard in the dark as full beam headlights were of no use.
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