Debbie had a girl’s night out this evening and then stayed away at Zoe Bee's house
Debbie had a girl’s night out this evening and then stayed away at Zoe Bee's house

The last day of campaigning for me before spending lunchtime with Diana and the girls at The Little Chef, Debbie had a girl’s night out this evening and then stayed away at Zoe Bee's house for the night which was a bit worrying.

The weather continues hot and sunny, and I was out in it for much of the day. Two good little sessions with Sam who again did everything that I asked and two long and arduous canvassing sessions in Eynesbury.

Wiggly was out canvassing this morning and Derek this afternoon but I had to let her have the afternoon to drive into Cambridge and had given her some money to buy a dress and some shoes for her brother's wedding next Saturday.

This evening, we were both working; me on updating my canvas returns and my journal of these last few days and Wiggly came round and was occupied writing the copy for her second election leaflet and it was near midnight again before we had both finished. The campaign is going quite well.

Even though we would like more people helping, we are getting round more than the other parties. Managed to spend lunch-time with Diana and the girls at The Little Chef, but Daniel was away shopping at Milton Keynes and then stayed away at Jason's house for the night.

He put his car in for an MOT test but it failed so he still has to get it successfully re-tested tomorrow in order for me to be able to do the registration transfer. Debbie had a girls night out this evening and then stayed away at Zoe Bee's house for the night which was a bit worrying.