We then spent the afternoon working on The Paxton Princess; Diana hoovering and cleaning it inside as I used our pressure hose to clean off the outside.
We then spent the afternoon working on The Paxton Princess; Diana hoovering and cleaning it inside as I used our pressure hose to clean off the outside.

A full day visiting Norfolk early after breakfast and a walk for Sam in Thetford. Arrived in Horning to see Doris, Jack and Bob Howlett before edging and clearing the overgrown lawn with our powerful skimmer.

We then spent the afternoon working on The Paxton Princess; Diana hoovering and cleaning it inside as I used our pressure hose to clean off the outside.

Back to review our canvassing returns where Labour were neck-and-neck with us on the Richmond Formula and the Tories are running a poor third.

We had been toying with the idea of driving over with Diana to Norfolk for the day to get the garden done but then the weather began to look unpromising with showers early in the day.

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Not wanting the garden to get out of hand, we opted to go anyway. Up early, a short walk for Sam and then the drive first to Thetford where we could exercise Sam in the open heath land and give him his breakfast before we put him away and ordered ours in the Little Chef nearby.

On to get to Horning by mid-morning where we saw Doris Vincent first and invited her in for a cup of coffee. We gave her our old lawnmower and she was very pleased as her own was broken and her lawn in disarray. Sam was pleased to see her and mugged her to death.

Before long, word had spread to Jack who also popped in just as I had started the strimmer and was about to start work! The problem with making these visits is the time lost in this way. Jack had been concerned about the state of Daniel's sports boat which had been well down in the water and had to bailed out recently.

With Di using our new lawnmower and me edging and clearing with our powerful skimmer we soon had the place licked into shape. Bill had fitted a shoulder strap to the device and this made it much easier to operate and left my arms just tired and not shattered as last week.

Once I had done our garden, I wandered up the dyke road and cleared as much of the adjacent overgrowing stinging nettles as possible. Then lunch at the Horning Tea Shoppe after buying a newspaper opposite and there to relax and rest a little while. This day and the next were those of the annual Royal Norfolk Show and we did think about going along but they said that dogs were not really welcome there.

We next met up with Bob Howlett who was in a good mood trimming his hedge and so we stopped and chatted for a while. He appreciated my putting together the planning information and his idea is still to cap the piles on Heronshaw in order to save it. With the garden and lunch out of the way, we could spent the afternoon working on The Paxton Princess.

We unmoored it and pulled it into the dyke and out of the boathouse and then Diana hoovered and cleaned inside as I used our pressure hose to clean off the outside. The net result was very good but there was no time to try it out but just to clear up and return home.

A variety of messages to play back and mail to deal with and then I drove over to Luke Street for 9.00pm to be available for the return of the canvassers and to debrief them and key in their results.

Wiggly was unable to canvas this evening but there were a few others out and they received the same good response. Labour are neck-and-neck with us on the Richmond Formula and the Tories are running a poor third. Home late again to find Diana asleep and so I stayed up even later and watched some World Cup Football.