To agree a £600 cost to get my old Dad's car door replaced
To agree a £600 cost to get my old Dad's car door replaced

After getting out with Sam on another fine day, the drive to Cambridge to Eadon Lilley's for lunch and agree a £600 cost to get my old Dad's car door replaced.

Then some delay as Diana decided that she needed a new bra from Boots and so a rush back to get back to set up our campaigning centre with Sandy in Eynesbury.

The initial results were very good and had us in the lead but with a long way to go.

Up and out with Sam on another fine day. We had arranged to visit Cambridge again today and to discuss the latest progress of my old Dad's car. Charles had obtained an estimate of some £600 to get the door replaced and wing straightened, and the work was already underway.

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A little time shopping for more summer "T"-shirts and then, as Diana did some more shopping for Della's party plates etc., I wandered around and then rested, reading a copy of the Financial Times for the investment reports. It was another hot and sunny day.

I took a great interest in the pretty girls and was pleased that the fashion for mini-skirts was again upon us. Back to Eadon Lilley's for lunch by arrangement and some healthy salad and other food before it was time to go home. It was only then that Diana had decided that she needed a new bra from Boots and, though promising to be a few minutes only, it was a full twenty before she returned to the car!

By that time, I was getting desperate as I was getting very late for my afternoon's appointments. A fast and grumpy drive back, explaining to Di that I was on the point of actually leaving her in Cambridge as I could have stayed no longer. Off to No 22 Luke Court, Eynesbury where I was due to meet Sandy Giles and to set out this new campaigning centre before up to six canvassers were due to arrive.

There was power and water on but no telephone so I installed my portable 'phone and this completed the scene. Being central to Eynesbury and within bicycle distance of all three polling stations, the property was ideal for a campaign centre. The day continued very warm, and we were disappointed that only three of the others turned up, but I got Sandy out canvassing herself and this meant that we had at least made a start.

I used the telephone to chase up others for the forthcoming sessions and then left later before coming back for the evening again. By also taking along my portable computer, I could key in the canvas results and work out how we were doing and where next to canvas. The initial results were very good and had us in the lead but with a long way to go.