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Winterton walk with Wiggly and Sam then watching Norwich City achieve a late 2-1 victory over Leicester City Football before taking Wiggly to see "Me and My Girl" at the Theatre Royal.
I survived the night with my cold quite well and was beginning to get on top of it but still had quite a lay in before getting going.
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Pigeon Shooting with Jim and evening rendezvous with Wiggly and evening meal at the Wroxham Hotel Restaurant
I had set my alarm radio and, although I had a day's shooting with Jim to look forward to, my cold meant that it was only with some effort that I managed to get up.
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After my morning routine, driving from Paxton to Horning to see the Wroxham Builders progress in demolishing the old Heronshaw.
My cold developed further today and the symptoms really became uncomfortable. I still got out with Sam early and walked the girls to the bus stop as the fatherly thing to do.
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Still suffering from my cold and taking a glass of "Lemslip" , I was groggy at 7am but still got up and out with Sam to the bus stop to see off the girls.
I was thinking of slipping away to have lunch with Wiggly but Diana was keen on a trip to the cinema in Bedford.
Christopher Chope, the Tory Vice-Chairman, resigns his post after making very prejudiced jibes against Germany and France
My night's sleep was rather affected by my suffering with this cold that made me get up for a glass of "Lemslip" and some water in the early hours.
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