The Labour Party Conference opens with a row over union block votes involving the Labour Leader Tony Blair
The Labour Party Conference opens with a row over union block votes involving the Labour Leader Tony Blair

Paperwork, afternoon cinema with Diana to see an exciting adventure film called "Speed". Watching a poor evening TV football match prior to a distressing call from Wiggly who had been waiting for my call and for whom everything had been going wrong.

The Labour Party Conference opens with a row over union block votes, and much is expected of the Labour Leader, Tony Blair.

I had gone to bed early last night, thinking to catch up on my sleep with a cold coming on, but I tossed and turned and could not get comfortable.

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Poor Diana had to go to the spare room to sleep in the end. Out with Sam after breakfast and just managed to get to the bus stop to say good-bye to the girls before they left. I only did some roadwork with Sam as I did not feel very energetic.

Diana went into St Neots and I spent the rest of the morning first re-installing my two computer systems and then typing up these last few days journal entries. Daniel was home at lunch-time with good news from his job review with Nigel.

He has agreed to increase his money from £10,000 to £16,000 and Daniel was very pleased with that. I was hungry and waiting for lunch at 12.30pm which was a seafood salad. Then Diana wanted to go to the cinema in Bedford this afternoon to see an exciting adventure film called "Speed". I took her and we both enjoyed it.

Both girls were late home from after-school interests and Daniel had agreed to collect them so that we had the time and opportunity. She seems more at peace with things and has booked a couple of days at Henlow Grange Health Farm at my suggestion and has that to look forward to.

Tea and then a short run for Sam who is not really getting the necessary preparation for his first Field Trial this week. This evening watching a poor football game on TV and then updating my journal before bed. The news is of the underwater camera pictures from the sunken ferry in the Baltic which show that the bow visor doors had become detached and led to the ship's demise.

In a spate of arson attacks, two babies are critically injured with burns and will probably die after youths had attacked their family's house three times in a week. The Labour Party Conference opens with a row over union block votes, and much is expected of the Labour Leader, Tony Blair.

The weather today was really cold, damp and miserable and the month of October has started badly. Much upset late this evening as I got a telephone call from a distraught Wiggly who had waited in vein for a call from me.

Evidently, her temporary Escort had been looked at by the garage and the replacement choke had not solved the problem for there was a blown cylinder head gasket; a fault that would cost more than the car is worth to fix! Not only that, but she had broken her washing machine as well and was certain that I was losing interest and had been short with her on the telephone.

In fact, she had lost all confidence in her ability to cope and left me upset as well as her crying was uncontrollable. It was in these circumstances that I went miserably cold to bed.