Sein Fein meetings with the expectation that these will become formal talks after Christmas when the three months of cease-fire have passed
Sein Fein meetings with the expectation that these will become formal talks after Christmas when the three months of cease-fire have passed

Free Day at home after taking Diana for a meal out to Brackenbury's after she was upset at me delivering a round of FOCUS leaflets with Wiggly's photograph in the middle as it added insult to injury!

Two great sessions with Sam with much quartering on the common and I also sent him right across the widest point of the Great Ouse ready for our first Field Trial tomorrow.

Sein Fein meetings with the expectation that these will become formal talks after Christmas when the three months of cease-fire have passed

I had complaints from Diana this morning not only about me being restless in bed but also about me attending LibDem meetings anyway.

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She was particularly upset about having to deliver a round of FOCUS leaflets with Wiggly's photograph in the middle as it added insult to injury! I made up for it for her with a meal out to Brackenbury's and she was better afterwards. Earlier, I had taken Sam for a good long walk and much quartering on the common.

I also sent him right across the widest point of the Great Ouse and hunted him along the hedgerows for rabbits as well for good measure and he did everything asked of him. We had walked to the bus stop with the girls and seen them off as well and so I was trying to see as much of them as possible to help with their behaviour towards Di.

A good walk with Sam later in the afternoon and more hunting and quartering to make him as prepared as I could without more field game experience. Back at the office, a number of calls to and from LibDem activists about last night's meeting and also to dog-training friends about my first Field Trial tomorrow.

I also heard from Freda who has had a potential buyer to see Redgrave Stores and both she and the agent are trying to quantify his interest better. Wiggly had arranged to go and see some more cars this evening with a male work friend but I was not able to find out how they got on because of her being tied up in a Town Council meeting until it was too late to call.

The news of more meetings between Sein Fein and others for TV coverage and the expectation that these will become formal talks after Christmas when the three months of cease-fire have passed. I was still suffering from my throat infection today and the cold air seemed to make it worse. The breeze is forecast to move round to the south-west for tomorrow and so it should be much milder. I hope it will remain dry as well.