the Loyalist Paramilitary forces in Ulster announcing their cease-fire to take place from midnight tonight.
the Loyalist Paramilitary forces in Ulster announcing their cease-fire to take place from midnight tonight.

After another tough night suffering with a cold and bronchial infection, resolving to work with Diana to deal with our difficult daughters. Then a quiet day of catching up and dog training at Molesworth who found a pheasant, two hares and a rabbit.

News today of the Loyalist Paramilitary forces in Ulster announcing their cease-fire to take place from midnight tonight.

According to Diana, my snoring was not so bad last night; having been terrible the night before. In truth, I am still suffering greatly with this cold which is more by way of a bronchial infection that seems to affect the lungs very badly.

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Slow up and to breakfast and there to find the girls being difficult and Diana depressed and upset as a result. I came in at the end and curbed the worst excesses of Della's behaviour and then resolved with Diana for us to work closer together to solve whatever problems Della has.

Whilst all this was going on, somebody was making abortive attempts to call me on my office telephone number and assumedly trying also to send a fax. Thinking it might be the latest crie de cour from Wiggly, I got out in the car to Molesworth so that I could call her and find out. In the event, she was not the caller and was just fine, though still pleased to hear from me.

Last night's council meeting had gone well and they had short-listed two companies for the St Neots Leisure Development and agreed to retain the idea for an inside pool as part of it. A useful call, therefore, and Sam enjoyed the run. He quartered well and under reasonable control so as to eventually find a pheasant, two hares and a rabbit. I did not take my gun this time, but they could all have been shot as a commentary on Sam's game-finding and larder-filling capability.

Once back, I plucked my duck and prepared it for cooking in the next day or two. I also skinned the hare from the other day and gutted and prepared it so that I could put it in the freezer for future use. This took me up to lunch, after which I divided the afternoon between finance paperwork, my journal and walking the dog again.

With his branch working test coming on Sunday, he still has much to practice and learn if he is to stand a chance of winning the novice test. News today of the Loyalist Paramilitary forces in Ulster announcing their cease-fire to take place from midnight tonight.

This was greeted positively by all parties as meaning the end of all violence and the last obstacle, apart from time, to meaningful talks on the future of the province. After tea, the evening sitting at my desk completing the summarising of my August journal and looking in on the progress of the girls as they tackled their homework.