62-year-old Arthur John Cornhill has become the first person to be implanted with an artificial heart at Papworth
62-year-old Arthur John Cornhill has become the first person to be implanted with an artificial heart at Papworth

After a good morning walk with Sam on Little Meadow managing a good blind fetch with the distraction of anglers and finally the longest ever memory retrieve.

News of plans regarding the Little Paxton nature reserve as I spend an otherwise quiet day catching up and watching England struggle against a World Cup Quarter Finalists Romanian football team and only just manage to draw the game 1-1.

62-year-old Arthur "John" Cornhill has become the first person to be implanted with an artificial heart and is doing well after a four hour operation at Papworth.

Britain and the United States now seem to accept that Sadam Hussein's troops are pulling back from the Kuwaiti border and the US have dropped their demand for a military exclusion zone after pressure from the French

I was awoken early again today in my bid to be ready in time for breakfast with the children but again my cold got the better of me. I waited until later to take the dog out in the hope that the fog would clear but it stayed with us all morning.

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I then took him across Little Meadow and, after trying to make him hunt a while, I sent him first into the Great Ouse via a difficult entry to fetch a dummy and then across a wide part of it with the dummy launcher. Despite the distracting arrival of a band of anglers he completed both of these very well.

Then a good blind with distraction and finally the longest ever memory retrieve I have given him; again with a satisfactory result. Once back, I advised the cleaner again on her problems with the Village Hall Committee and then settled down with Sam inside and drying out on a rug in my office whilst I got my journal completely up to date for the first time since before the weekend.

Di went shopping this morning and then did some housework and is in good spirits these days and even let me pet her at the sink! Much of the afternoon tackling a difficult issue concerning the future of the land comprising half of the Paxton Pits Nature Reserve.

I had been approached by people concerned over it being sold for sporting use and I shared their wish to keep it part of the reserve and with public access; but not to be kept from the necessary process of shooting to control vermin. I circulated my carefully-worded letter to the people concerned, the HDC Planning and Conservation Director and my councillor colleagues.

I dropped the copies in to Wiggly on my way out with the dog and used the opportunity for a kiss and cuddle and to enquire how she was getting on with her new car and amateur dramatics. Everything was fine. An evening in front of the TV, watching England struggle against World Cup Quarter Finalists Romania and only just manage to draw the game 1-1.

This was the best team that they had met since Terry Venables took over and England were short of several key players through injury and gave debuts to Robert Lee and Matthew Le Tizier. 62-year-old Arthur "John" Cornhill has become the first person to be implanted with an artificial heart and is doing well after a four hour operation at Papworth.

The Conservative Party Conference hear contrasting speeches from the two Michaels (Portillo and Hezeltine) over their views on Europe and the two sides of the party are as divided as ever. At the opening concert at Wembley for the UK tour of the musical group, Pink Floyd, a section of seating scaffolding collapsed trapping a women and injuring others.

The Audit Commission has revealed statistics showing a three-fold increase in Computer Crime since the last survey three years ago. Britain and the United States now seem to accept that Sadam Hussein's troops are pulling back from the Kuwaiti border and the US have dropped their demand for a military exclusion zone after pressure from the French.

The weather today was still foggy and misty for the most part but still with sun coming through in the afternoon.