Bad news for the government on educational funding and privatised utilities salaries.
I was catching up with paperwork and successfully hunting with Sam before Di's meal and Vampire film.
Then dealing with Wiggly's problems and the LibDem wrangles
Troublesome news for the government today as they are facing a revolt by school governors over the current squeeze on educational funding and Labour have called for the government to resign before next year's EEC policy summit in view of the differences between cabinet ministers on European policies.
**"Read More" BELOW for the complete story**
The independent pay research body, Income Data Services, has released details of the capital gains made by the directors of privatised utilities where the average gain was £60,000 and some made very much more.
Not too much difficulty today to get up and ready for breakfast and to take the girls to the bus stop. They went off all right, Debbie walking Sam and Della loaded down once more with cakes for the charity sale.
A run for Sam after through the Mill Field set aside where he pointed a hen pheasant solidly and followed a running cock right across the field until it flew. To my office for paperwork for the rest of the morning, leaving messages for Wiggly and preparing my contribution for this evening's meeting.
I had to get Di to transfer £5,000 to our cheque account with forthcoming bills in mind. Di was back from shopping at 11.30am and then over to Bedford with her for a quick lunch at Pizza Hut and then to watch the film, "Interviews with a Vampire".
It was trying to watch the same gory scenes, but it was better later and more interesting for my having read the film industry write-ups on how Tom Cruise had struggled in the acting role with Brad Pitt and Christon Dunnett as the little girl coming through very much better.
Back to clear out my car and walk Sam and then straight out after tea to my meeting, calling upon Wiggly both on the way there and back. She was depressed with a whole range of things catching up on her.
Her washing machine is broken, her car refused to start again in the morning and her Barbour jacket still had the zip stuck; but the real problem was her having trouble getting the branch meeting agenda out for Thursday.
Also having to tell her town council colleagues that she was going to miss most of another full council meeting again this Wednesday whilst she was flying back from Denmark.
Then she was distressed over rumours of her department closing down at work, the locals talking about her relationship with me and with her friend Tracey pouring her heart out to her over the loss of a boyfriend.
What with her job, political work, amateur dramatics and me, she has not had an evening free and it was getting her down.
I chatted to her and listened to her woes and just acted as an outlet before going to the meeting. Upon my return, I had a drink with her and drove out to help her deliver the meeting agenda and even managed to fix her Barbour zip as well!
A diary planning session, a nice mug of Bournevita each, a cuddle and then I left her much happier for her business trip in the morning. The meeting was a long and difficult one with the main problem being the introduction of a controversial item at a time when the constitutional situation was in flux.
The motion calling for the expulsion of Cllr Stuart Littlewood was the problem, and I successfully moved that, in view of the voting problems, it should be discussed but not voted upon which was not ideal but at least ensured that there would be no further press revelations until after the elections.