After a rare row with Wiggly, and time with my family in Paxton, off to experience the LibDem wrangles and meetings before welcoming many new members and potential candidates for the St Neots Town Council Election.
It was a pleasure to see so many fresh faces and to be at such a positive meeting and reconciliation with Wiggly and her new organiser
Wiggly and I had one of our occasional rows this morning as she again resisted my advances, and I felt rejected by it.
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I got up and dressed early, skipped the bathroom and breakfast and then walked round to my car in Buckley Road and drove back to Paxton, arriving there in time to have breakfast with the family.
Daniel was down late but thankfully had no knowledge of seeing me in my car last night and there were also no awkward questions about my clinic visit or movements. Out with Sam and then back to take the girls to the bus stop so that I successfully completed my customary morning routine.
The weather had turned colder after the mildness of late and it was quite chilly so that I needed my gloves on. Much of the day was dominated by revelations from my Liberal Democrat colleagues and the associated attempts of the local press to find out more.
The new Branch Chairman Glenn had resigned his post and Mark Rainer his party membership, both over the "failure" of the Executive to deal with Stuart Littlewood at Monday's meeting.
I had several long calls with each of them and persuaded Mark Rainer to withdraw his resignation in the end, but Percy had already sent a press release confirming Glenn's action. I really had to put pressure on Mark, threatening to withdraw from campaigning myself until he relented with much stress later.
Just soup and rolls for lunch and out with the dog, taking trouble to introduce him to as many others as possible during his walk. Tea with the family and then to my evening's meeting of the St Neots LibDem branch.
I had called Wiggly beforehand and we had made our peace a little and discussed her standing for council. We were dubious about her doing this in case our relationship caused a controversy during the election campaign.
The meeting itself was a revelation after the events of the day. The room was full of new members and potential candidates for the St Neots Town Council Election, and it was a pleasure to see so many fresh faces and to be at such a positive meeting.
We all had drinks after in the Priory bar and then Wiggly and I left separately and met up at her place for a cuddle, chat and Bournevita before I went back home.