Then to see Nigel who was experiencing complications seeing multiple women
Then to see Nigel who was experiencing complications seeing multiple women

After more time with Wiggly, back home  to see the family, paying my latest bills, updating my accounts and testing out the PC/Psion link.  Then to see Nigel who was experiencing complications seeing multiple women

A nice morning, waking up early and then kissing and cuddling a while before going down to breakfast together.

**"Read More" BELOW for the complete story**

The funny thing was Wiggly was able to claim the hotel expenses so we changed the booking to her name and she paid for everything except my breakfast! I dropped her of at her Swallow Hotel training conference and then took the chance of letting Sam have a run in a small wood at nearby Erith.

Then the journey home, stopping off at Eynesbury to change, drop off Wiggly's bag and collecting her PC/Psion serial link package for investigation. I ended up arriving home in Paxton as if I had come direct from Norfolk hoping to see the family but found the girls back at school and Diana out shopping anyway.

I worked away, before and after lunch, paying my latest bills, updating my accounts and testing out the PC/Psion link. This latter project was successful, and I also processed a deal of mail.

I later tried to commission my Cix Off Line Reader but ran out of time and did not even manage to run Sam before tea. The weather had deteriorated to a real rainstorm, so he only got a brief run and his dinner.

By arrangement to see Nigel as Wiggly was travelling back from Kent and was not due to arrive until later. He seems to be a lot more settled than of late but is still chasing the women who have found introductions from his computer dating service.

Sue is his main flame, but the twit was committed to taking Rachael to Spain for a few days and was not looking forward to it. At least his business seems to be going well.

I checked with Wiggly for messages and found out surprisingly that she had got a lift home and arrived back early so that I could go round earlier than planned. It was a mixed evening.

First we had a lager and I successfully installed her Psion-link facility so that she could interchange files between computer and organiser. Then we chatted which was nice until she came up with this upsetting suggestion that, instead of being with me this coming Friday in Norfolk, she asked if she could take the day off and go to London with Michael instead!

Ignoring the fact that I had always wanted her to take such a day off to prolong our weekend and she had refused, it was amazing that she should even consider choosing one of our few times together.

She tried to make it up to me with some lovemaking after and, though I was easily satisfied again, she had trouble enjoying it and, together with the normal parting problems, I nearly regretted going to see her in the end.