Our return to Knotts
Our return to Knotts

I managed a call to Dan on his 23rd Birthday, as Di's period restricted our day and time for our return to Knotts.

My philosophical letter to Wiggly did not go down well and I found her in a prickly mood. 

I slept well again after going to bed at 9.00pm and I woke us all up at 5.00am which, after all, still represented a full eight hours sleep.

**"Read More" BELOW for the complete story**

 Poor Di was in full flow with her period and her precaution in sleeping on a towel had been a wise one. I slipped in alongside her and massaged her breasts but she did not respond in anyway; but then she never has. I got a couple of Email messages off to CIX including a long philosophical one to Wiggly.

Once ready, into the car and off to Coco's for breakfast and we intended to go straight off to Knotts Berry Farm but had to come back when the girls had forgot things. Managed to get some more pounds into dollars as we were running out.

It was another warm and sunny day with cloudless skies on Daniel's 23rd Birthday and we wished he was here with us. At least we used my international call credit facility to telephone him and wish him well.

It seems that he has had two parties already; one for the boys and another with girls invited and we hope he had fun. A good day at Knotts again as Diana and the girls enjoyed themselves and I did some shopping and sent a post card with other things on my mind.

A cobb salad for lunch and a funnel cake later and then a McDonalds meal on the way home for the girls.

Once back, I downloaded my mail and found Wiggly in a prickly mood over my dreamy message and she did not take it at all well. Penned back a friendly reply and settled down to my accounts and journal for the rest of the evening until bedtime.