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Driving to see Jim and July for lunchtime and then a shooting day with Jim after putting Wiggly on the lunchtime train following long affectionate sessions together as we were parting
A bit of a lay in after which I gave Wiggly the job of seducing and satisfying me.
****** Sections have been censored for reasons of privacy for five further years from this date ******
Breakfast and then, once we had walked the dog together, Wiggly packed up and we drove to Norwich via Roy's in Wroxham to do some shopping.
The train was arriving at 1.01pm as we anticipated so that we could have a cup of tea together before it was time for me to walk her to platform 3a and say goodbye. She had the latest edition of "New Woman" and an included a free sex novel to read for the journey.
The drive to see Jim and July for lunchtime "dinner" after which Jim and I took our equipment and the dogs out to do some pigeon shooting. The birds were tough to decoy as the flocks were big, we were there late in the day and the fields were expansive but I successfully killed the only two pigeons that were presented.
We found bale hides to use which gave some shelter from the gale-force freezing cold winds; turning to sleet and hail at times! back to Jimmy's for scrambled goose egg and toast for tea and a long chat to put the world to rights and then out later with my .22 rifle in search of foxes.
We could only spot one and then could not successfully "squeak" it but I shot a hare so that we did not come back without anything.
Quite tired and so home straight away and to bed with a hot water bottle so as to get comfortable and warm to combat my cold on such a perishing night.

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Making a fuss of Wiggly before and after a Little Chef breakfast and a lunch of cheese and pastrami baguettes.
I then left her shopping in Norwich as I watched England beat Scotland to take the Calcutta Cup, the Grand Slam and the Five Nations Championship all in one go.
Later to see Shakespeare's "Loves Labours Lost" together at the theatre
A nice start as I made a fuss of Wiggly after quite a lay in.
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A walk with Sam and pleasantly surprised to find how mild it was; even if stormy weather was expected later.
Financial and political preparations and a hair cut at last before off to Norfolk with Wiggly.
Gerry Adams attended a St Patrick Day celebration today as an "IRA-type" Semtex bomb was found in Newry.
More than 80% of local authorities have cut back in their provision of Social Services following government grant cuts.
Awake early after a good sleep to hear the news whilst sitting in the morning sun.
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My St Ives Inquiry continued as Toyota, in Derby, has announced plans to build another factory complex next door and the Corolla car model which will be a boost for the depressed economy. The weather these last few days has worsened and been a strange mixture of anticyclonic clear skies, sun and frost at night punctuated by squally showers of sleet and snow
The Chancellor is under pressure from fellow Tories after saying that the economic situation may mean that the "feel good" factor will not come until after the election!
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