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It was snowing hard last night and the ground was blanketed with snow and ice this morning as I saw the girls off to school and then did some hectic office work before leaving for Norfolk, collecting Wiggly and having evening at the theatre.
Barings Nick Leason has been arrested on passport forgery charges and extradition proceedings will follow
An auditor's report last summer warned Barings that Nick Leason had been a source of risk after an investigation into unusual profits. He was arrested on passport forgery charges and extradition proceedings will follow.
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A tax planning meeting with advisors and tidying up my inquiry outcome as Mr. and Mrs. Nick Leason were detained in Brunei over the Barings Merchant Bank collapse and the government just survived their latest Euro vote in the House of Commons last night.
Snow overnight and news of bad weather around the country
Mr and Mrs Nick Leason were detained in Brunei as police try to investigate the background to the Barings Merchant Bank collapse.
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Recovering after a hangover and then spending the day and evening managing a productive if stressed Huntingdon Constituency Meeting.
I got Percy elected as Chairman, Charles Looker as Vice-Chairman, Mark Rainer as Computer Data Officer, and got a personal endorsement for my enquiry.
John Major now has major problems on his hands over today's European Common's vote and Tony Blair was hosting a breakfast at The Dorchester with many top businessmen
I felt really hung over this morning and smelt of curry as well which made an interesting start to the day! I heard from the others, and we were all feeling ill which Nigel put down to the curry, but I felt was just that we had all stayed out too late and drunk too much.
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