More than 40 years, told day by day

A difficult but eventually productive day tussling with how to progress my Redgrave problem and then an unplanned evening outing and good reconciliation with Wiggly.
This as Russia takes Grozny, Norwich Union volunteers clear up beaches and Debbie gets on well with her mock GCSE’s
Making notes of the news in be again when I found out today that Tony Blair was launching an internal publicity drive to win support for his constitutional changes to Labour "clause 4".
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Home from my poor time with Wiggly tired and worrying about having to deal with Freda and my Redgrave loan. Enjoyed my family meal and watched TV and walked Sam, feeling tired.
The exertions of the last two days and the problems with Wiggly had taken there toll on me and it was not in high spirits that I returned home.
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A blank but interesting marsh shoot with Jim on Halvergate Marshes, and then to watch Norwich lose after selling key players.
Back and late out to Michelle's Brasserie, with Wiggly and home and too tired for a satisfactory sex session
In recognition of our efforts of yesterday, I agreed with Jim not to set the alarm before 7.30am and we both slept well and enjoyed the rest.
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A very tough and eventful day updating my diminishing finances, surviving a long moulding session with the dentist, and then visiting Redgrave to see Freda letting the property deteriorate in absolute squalor.
Putting the agent Mike Smith right and then got out shooting with Jim
Another day of my new routine, even though I was a bit tired of waking at 6.50am and noting down the morning news. Breakfast with the family and out with Sam before off to the bus stop to see the girls to school.
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I chronicled a whole catalogue of news stories today with my Psion but I had spent my day working at home on my finances and shooting in the field and re-erecting the scarecrow opposite to protect John Osborne’s field.
Bad news as our Cambridge Street planning application had been recommended for refusal
Up early again to listen to the radio news and note current events on my organiser. This morning more than half of Labour MEP"s publish a newspaper advert in support of Tony Blair’s review of clause 4.
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As the weather turned from being mild to very cold, I walked Sam with the girls to their bus stop and it transpired that although Debbie was nervous about her GCSE Mock Exams her day was quite tolerable.
Labour and SNP step up campaigns for Scottish devolution and independence respectively as John Major sticks to the purity of the Union.
I first woke up in the early hours as Diana was snoring, and my mind was full of the LibDems troubles that I had heard of and read about yesterday.
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