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My headache gradually got better all day. The conservatory painter was joined by the plumbers and the window winder installer, but we left to see a pantomime in Cambridge with Marti Caine after which we rushed home the Brownie and Guides Carol Service. Police intervened to stop a bank robbery, but one officer was shot dead and another critically wounded; but one perpetrator also died and another apprehended. £19 million of aid is poured into the egg industry to try and offset the damage.
I was late to bed again, but I slept well and had a 15-minute lay-in past my normal awakening time. I started the day with a headache that continued to the end of the day but was getting slightly better as it wore on. The painter returned on his own to work and so I phoned Charles Frost again to chase them up. Later this morning, the painter was joined by the plumbers and the man who was to fix the window winders for the lantern. It was tricky with all four of them working, plus our Christmas tree, which was getting a battering! To make matters worse, the heating controls were full of air and posed a problem anyway. After lunch, I had to leave them all to it, as we left as a family to see a pantomime in Cambridge. We arrived on time but wondered about the leading lady, actress Marti Caine, who had been reported as collapsing recently and being affected with cancer.
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A morning meeting to decide the route of a new playing field footpath, a visit to Avenue Fisheries to choose a fish and learn more about Mr Field senior’s stroke and then the St James Church Carol service after our roast beef lunch. An afternoon visit to Willington garden centre after which I managed to commission the pond ventura satisfactorily. Bad weather closing in on the Armenian earthquake region ends any rescue attempts, the NUM votes against an overtime ban and Neil Kinnock rules out an electoral pact with the SLD
A much better night after which I managed to get going a lot earlier. A nice fried breakfast and then along to the Little Paxton Playing Field for a meeting with the rest of the Parish Council Amenities Committee to decide the route of a new footpath. This took a full hour, after which I drove down to Avenue Fisheries and looked at the fish. Mr Field senior is at home for a trial visit but did not seem to know what day it is, which is sad. At least he was able to look at the fish through the window. His son showed me how to make a ventura, which he thinks I should use to increase my pond’s oxygen level. I also sorted through about 10 of the new Kahuku carp from the latest Japanese arrivals and picked a nice one with an even head pattern and stout body. It was some 22 inches long and cost £425 which fact I shall have to hide from Diana.
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I spent a full day working in my conservatory after a much better night, commissioning the spotlights and switching them on before putting up a trellis, installing planters and skimming the pond with the fish looking healthy and feeding well. It has been revealed that water highly polluted with aluminium was delivered to residents of North Cornwall last July and The Post newspaper of Eddy Shah has folded again. Rescue efforts in Armenia founder through poor coordination and a tonne of cannabis is seized in West London
I stayed up very late last night and was also awake in the early hours because I left my electric blanket on. Not a very restful night sleep! I received my second printing quotation in this morning’s mail and it looked like I will have to settle for March for printing and that they will cost £7 each for 1000 off (but £5 each for more). I spent the day working on my conservatory. The morning wiring the track for the spotlights and just about had them working on the ground by the time I had to take the family for lunch. In fact, there was more than the family because Stephen and Gary joined us. Gary came to collect our old TV and cabinet and we were glad to see the back of them and he seemed most grateful. This afternoon, I put up the spotlights and it made a fine sight.
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After a busy day shopping in Bedford, on a showery and colder day, I had to remove a film of dust and solvent from the conservatory pond after the work of the decorator. Edwina Currie resigns as junior health minister after her recent silly comments on eggs.
This was a busy day for me, shopping in Bedford for track lighting for the conservatory and Christmas cards for the family. I had to strain the pond this evening with a dustpan and bucket to get rid of the film of dust and solvent from the conservatory decoration. The man finished painting the lantern and remove the tower scaffolding which was nice. The news today was of Mrs Edwina Currie resigning as Junior Health Minister over the egg debacle Some showers today and then it turned colder. Late to bed with little time for my other work.